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Practical Manual of Companies 2022.

Impairment losses of article 13.1 of the LIS and provisions and expenditure (articles 14.1 and 14.2 of the LIS) referred to in article 11.12 of the LIS (converted to tax payable)

Regulation: DA 7 Law 20/1990

The provisions for impairment of credits and other assets and certain provisions referred to in article 11.12 of the LIS , which have generated deferred tax assets , will be integrated into the positive full quota , depending on the corresponding type of tax, with the limit of said quota without taking into account its integration or the compensation of negative quotas.

Filling in form 200

The cooperative society must enter in boxes [00210] and [00480] «Losses due to deterioration of art. 13.1 LIS and provisions and expenses (art. 14.1 and 14.2 LIS) referred to in art. 11.12 LIS (converted into quota)» on page 14 of model 200, the adjustments that correspond in application of the imputation criteria which establishes article 11.12 of the LIS regarding provisions for impairment of credits or other assets derived from possible insolvencies of debtors not linked to the taxpayer, not owed by entities of public law and whose deductibility does not occur by application of the provisions of article 13.1.a) of this Law, as well as those derived from the application of sections 1 and 2 of article 14 of this Law, corresponding to endowments or contributions to social security systems and, where applicable, early retirement, that have generated deferred tax assets, and to which the right established in article 130 of this Law applies:

  • In box [00210] of increases, they must enter at quota level the amount corresponding to those losses due to impairment, provision or contribution made by the taxpayer that is considered accounting expense in the reporting period, but that is not tax deductible as established in articles 13.1 and 14.1 and 14.2 of the LIS.

  • However, when in a tax period subsequent to that of its accounting as an accounting expense:

    • If the circumstances established in articles 13.1 and 14.1 and 14.2 of the LIS occur and said accounting expense becomes tax deductible , cooperative societies must carry out at the quota level a negative adjustment in the decreases box [00480] .

    • If the reversal of the deterioration or the accounting recovery of the expense occurs, the cooperative societies must make an adjustment at the quota level in box [00480] negative to eliminate the accounting income recorded on its day.

      This adjustment will be made in the event that the aforementioned expenses have not been fiscally integrated, in accordance with the imputation criteria established in the seventh Additional Provision of Law 20/1990. If said expenses have been charged for tax purposes, in whole or in part, their accounting reversal will have tax effects in the corresponding part.

Keep in mind:

In boxes [00210] and [00480] the allocations referred to in article 11.12 of the LIS must be entered, but without taking into account the limit of integration into the tax base of these expenses established in said article. The application of said limit will be included in boxes [00408] and [01037] « Application of the limit of art. 11.12 LIS to losses due to deterioration of art. 13.1 LIS and provisions and expenses (art. 14.1 and 14.2 LIS)" on page 14 of form 200, in the manner explained in the section "Application of the limit of article 11.12 of the LIS to impairment losses of article 13.1 LIS and the provisions and expenses of articles 14.1 and 14.2 of the LIS.

The boxes [00210], [00480], [00408] and [01037] can only have a positive value, zero or be blank, but never a negative value.

In relation to these boxes, see also the section “Completion of table Provisions for impairment of credits or other assets derived from possible insolvencies of debtors not linked to the taxpayer and others of art. 11.12 LIS with the possibility of conversion into payable credit» on page 20 quater of model 200, which is explained in Chapter 5 of this Manual.