Other types
- Box 00007 Imputation of positive income in the tax base (art. 100 LIS)
- Box 00009 Parent company in tax group
- Box 00010 Subsidiary company in tax group
- Box 00081 Subsidiary multinational group
- Box 00082 Ultimate parent company multinational group
- Box 00026 Dormant entity
- Box 00027 Negative or zero tax base
- Box 00030 Transmission of heritage elements arts. 27.2.d) and 77.1 LIS
- Box 00039 Entity that is part of a business group (art. 42 of the Commercial Code)
- Box 00043 Obligation to provide information DT 5 RIS
- Box 00045 Advance investments - reserve investments in the Canary Islands (art. 27.11 Law 19/1994)
- Box 00087 Advance investments - reserve investments in the Balearic Islands (DA 70ª.Cuatro.10 Law 31/2022)
- Box 00063 Reduced tax rate for newly created entities (DT 22ª LIS)
- Box 00071 Reduced tax rate for start-ups (Article 29.1 LIS)
- Box 00088 Reduced tax rate for entities with a prior period INCN of less than 1 million euros (art. 29.1 LIS)
- Box 00083 Reduced tax rate for start-up companies
- Box 00070 Offsetting negative tax bases for start-ups (Article 26.3 LIS)
- Box 00059 Options arts. 39.2 and 39.3 LIS
- Box 00065 Rebate for researchers (RD 475/2014)
- Box 00084 Special regime for dissolution of SICAV (DT 41ª LIS)
- Box 00072 Termination of entity
- Box 00073 Option of 0.7% of the full quota for social purposes
- Box 00037 Fractionation option art. 19.1 LIS
- Box 00044 Taxpayer who applies deductions from art. 36.1 and 36.3 LIS with financing carried out by other taxpayers
- Box 00074 Taxpayer who finances productions with the right to deduction under art. 36.1 and 36.3 LIS
- Box 00089 Participant in an economic interest group or temporary business association