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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Net gains and loss account (pages 7 and 8)

On pages 7 and 8 of model 200, the Profit and Loss account for the year is shown, made up of the balances of the accounts that make up the Debit and Credit accounts, representing, respectively, the expenses and income for the year.

In said model 200, a mixed system has been implemented that integrates the normal (N), abbreviated (A) and SMEs (P) models of annual accounts used for presentation in the Commercial Registry, taking into account, furthermore, that although in general there is correspondence, some items of the model of annual accounts for presentation in the Commercial Registry appear broken down or disaggregated in the aforementioned pages of model 200 of the Corporate Tax declaration.

Thus, on the following pages, where the profit and loss account is reflected, the initials N, A and/or P that accompany the literal of each item, indicate the respective models, normal, abbreviated and PYMES, from accounts to effects of the Commercial Registry that affect the equivalences of model 200. And the account numbers involved in each item of model 200 may be, depending on the case, those of the General Accounting Plan approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007, of November 16 and/or those of the General Accounting Plan for Small and Medium Enterprises and the specific accounting criteria for microenterprises, approved by Royal Decree 1515/2007, of November 16.

Any negative items in the accounting statements that are completed in the corresponding field must be preceded by a minus sign (-).

Profit and loss accountKey numberAccount equivalencies PGC AND PGC SMEs Key numberEquivalence of PGC and PGC SME accounts
Net amount of turnover (N, A, P) - - [00255] 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, (706), (708), (709)
Sales (N) [00256] 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, (706), (708), (709) - -
Service provision (N) [00257] 705 - -
Financial income of public infrastructure concessionaire entities (N) [00711] - - -
Financial income of holding companies (N) [00705] - - -
- Participations in equity instruments (N) [00706] - - -
- Of negotiable securities and other financial instruments (N) [00707] - - -
- Rest (N) [00708] - - -
Variation in inventories of finished products and those in progress (N, A, P) - - [00258] (6930), 71 * , 7930
Work carried out by the company for its assets (N, A, P) - - [00259] 73
Supplies (N, A, P) - - [00260] (600), (601), (602), 606, (607), 608, 609, 61 * , (6931), (6932), (6933), 7931, 7932 , 7933
Consumption of merchandise (N) [00261] (600), 6060, 6080, 6090, 610 * - -
- Purchases of merchandise (N, A, P) [00760] (600), (606), (608), (609) - -
- Inventory variation (N, A, P) [00761] (610*) - -
Consumption of raw materials and other consumables (N) [00262] (601), (602), 6061, 6062, 6081, 6082, 6091, 6092, 611 * , 612 * - -
- Purchases of raw materials and other consumables (N, A, P) [00762] (601), (602) - -
- Variation in raw materials and other consumables (N, A, P) [00763] (611*), (612*) - -
Work carried out by other companies (N) [00263] (607) - -
Deterioration of merchandise, raw materials and other supplies (N) [00264] (6931), (6932), (6933), 7931, 7932, 7933 - -
Other operating income (N, A, P) - - [00265] 740, 747, 75
Accessory income and other current management income (N, A, P) [00266] 75 - -
- Rental income (N, A, P) [00267] 752 - -
- Rest (N, A, P) [00268] - - -
Operating subsidies incorporated into the results of the year (N, A, P) [00269] 740, 747 - -
Personnel expenses (N, A, P) - - [00270] (640), (641), (6450), (642), (643), (649), (644), (6457), 7950, 7957
Salaries and salaries (N, A, P) [00271] (640) - -
Compensations (N, A, P) [00273] (641) - -
Social Security paid by the company (N, A, P) [00274] (642) - -
Long-term remuneration through contribution or defined benefit systems (N, A, P) [00275] (643) - -
Remuneration through equity instruments (N, A, P) [00276] (6450) - -
Other social expenses (N, A, P) [00277] (649) - -
Supplies (N, A) [00278] (644), (6457), 7950, 7957 - -
Other operating expenses (N, A, P) - - [00279] (62), (631), (634), 636, 639, (65), (694), (695), 794, 7954
External services (N, A, P) [00280] (62) - -
- Independent professional services (N, A, P) [00253] (623) - -
- Rest (N, A, P) [00254] (620), (621), (622), (624), (625), (626), (627), (628), (629) - -
Taxes (N, A, P) [00281] (631), (634), 636, 639 - -
Losses, impairment and variation in provisions for commercial operations (N, A, P) [00282] (650), (694), (695), 794, 7954 - -
Other current management expenses (N, A, P) [00283] (651), (659) - -
Greenhouse gas emission expenses (N, A, P) [00709] - - -
Amortization of fixed assets (N, A, P) - - [00284] (68)
Allocation of subsidies for non-financial assets and others (N, A, P) - - [00285] 746
Excess provisions (N, A, P) - - [00286] 7951, 7952, 7955, 7956
Impairment and results from disposals of fixed assets (N, A, P) - - [00287] (670), (671), (672), (690), (691), (692), 770, 771, 772, 790, 791, 792
Deterioration and losses (N, A, P) [00288] (690), (691), (692), 790, 791, 792 - -
- Deteriorations (N, A, P) [00289] (690), (691), (692) - -
- Reversal of impairments (N, A, P) [00290] 790, 791, 792 - -
Results from disposals and others (N, A, P) [00291] (670), (671), (672), 770, 771, 772 - -
- Benefits (N, A, P) [00292] 770, 771, 772 - -
- Losses (N, A, P) [00293] (670), (671), (672) - -
Impairment and results from disposals of the assets of the holding companies (N, A, P) [00710] - - -
Negative difference of business combinations (N, A) - - [00294] 774; ( NECA 7.6) *
Other results (N, A, P) - - [00295] (678), 778; (NECA 7.9) *
OPERATING RESULT (N, A, P) - - [00296] [00255] + [00258] + [00259] + [00260] + [00265] + [00270] + [00279] + [00284] + [00285] + [00286] + [00287] + [00294] + [00295 ]
Financial income (N, A, P) - - [00297] 746, 760, 761, 762, 767, 769; (NECA 7.4) *
Of participations in equity instruments (N, A, P) [00298] [00299] + [00300] - -
- In group and associated companies (N, A, P) [00299] 7600, 7601 - -
- In third parties (N, A, P) [00300] 7602, 7603 - -
Of negotiable securities and other financial instruments (N, A, P) [00301] [00302] + [00303] - -
- From group companies and associates (N, A, P) [00302] 7610, 7611, 76200, 76201, 76210, 76211 - -
- From third parties (N, A, P) [00303] 7612, 7613, 76202, 76203, 76212, 76213, 767, 769 - -
Allocation of financial subsidies, donations and legacies (N, A, P) [00304] 746; (NECA 7.4) * - -
Financial expenses (N, A, P) - - [00305] (660), (661), (662), (664), (665), (669)
For debts with group and associated companies (N, A, P) [00306] (6610), (6611), (6615), (6616), (6620), (6621), (6640), (6641), (6650), (6651), (6654), (6655) - -
For debts with third parties (N, A, P) [00307] (6612), (6613), (6617), (6618), (6622), (6623), (6624), (6642), (6643), (6652), (6653), (6656), (6657 ), (669) - -
By update of provisions (N, A, P) [00308] (660) - -
Variation in fair value in financial instruments (N, A, P) - - [00309] (663), 763
Fair value through profit and loss (N) [00310] (6630), (6631), (6633), (6634) , 7630, 7631, 7633, 7634 - -
Transfer of fair value adjustments with changes in equity (N) [00311] (6632), 7632 - -
Exchange differences (N, A, P) - - [00312] (668), 768
Impairment and result from the disposal of financial instruments (N, A, P) - - [00313] (666), (667), (673), (675), (696), (697), (698), (699), 766, 773, 775, 796, 797, 798, 799
Deteriorations and losses (N, A, P) [00314] (696), (697), (698), (699), 796, 797, 798, 799 - -
- Impairments, group companies and long-term associates (N, A, P) [00315] - - -
- Impairments, Other companies (N, A, P) [00316] - - -
- Reversal of impairments, group companies and long-term associates (N, A, P) [00317] - - -
- Reversal of impairments, other companies (N, A, P) [00318] - - -
Results from disposal and others (N, A, P) [00319] (666), (667), (673), (675), 766, 773, 775 - -
- Benefits, group companies and long-term associates (N, A, P) [00320] - - -
- Profits, other companies (N, A, P) [00321] - - -
- Losses, group companies and long-term associates (N, A, P) [00322] - - -
- Losses, other companies (N, A, P) [00323] - - -
Other financial income and expenses (N, A, P) - [00329] [00330], [00331], [00332] (2)
Incorporation into the asset of financial expenses (N, A, P) [00330] - - -
Financial income derived from creditor agreements (N, A, P) [00331] - - -
Rest of income and expenses (N, A, P) [00332] - - -
FINANCIAL RESULT (N, A, P) - - [00324] [00297] + [00305] + [00309] + [00312] + [00313] + [00329]
RESULT BEFORE TAXES (N, A, P) - - [00325] [00296] + [00324]
Taxes on profits (N, A, P) - - [00326] (6300) * , 6301 * , (633), 638
RESULT FOR THE YEAR FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (N,A,P) (1) - - [00327] [00325] + [00326]
RESULT OF THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT (N,A,P) - - [00500] [00327] + [00328]

Notes to table :

(N) Normal model for depositing accounts in the Commercial Registry; (A) Abbreviated model for depositing accounts in the Commercial Registry; (P) SME model for depositing accounts in the Commercial Registry.

(*) Items marked with an asterisk may have a positive or negative sign.

The account numbers in parentheses correspond to Debit accounts and those that do not correspond to Credit accounts.

(1) For this item, the equivalence will be applicable in all cases of account models, N, A or P, and consequently, the box corresponding to the code [00327] must be completed, even if said item does not appear broken down in the abbreviated and SMEs of the account deposit models in the Commercial Registry. (Back)

(2) No equivalence in PGC and PGCPYMES. (Back)