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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.


The amount to be entered in box [00550] "Taxable Base before the application of the capitalization reserve and the compensation of negative tax bases" is obtained after applying to the result of the account of profits and losses (box [00501]) the total of the corresponding corrections (boxes [00417] and [00418]):

[00550] = [00501] + ([00417] - [00418])

The result of this operation must be entered in box [00550] in any case, even when it is equal to zero or negative. And, in the latter case, preceded by the minus sign (-).

The first transitional provision of the LIS establishes that the extra-accounting adjustments, positive and negative, made to determine the tax bases of the Corporate Tax corresponding to periods tax proceedings initiated prior to the entry into force of Law 27/2014, will be taken into consideration for the purposes of determining the tax bases corresponding to the tax periods in which said Law is applicable, in accordance with the provisions of the rules that regulated them.

In no case will it be admissible for the same income not to be taken into consideration or to be taken into account twice for the purposes of determining the tax base for Corporate Tax.