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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Other corrections to the result of the net gains and losses account

In boxes [00413] and [00414] "Other corrections to the result of the profit and loss account" will include other corrections of increases and decreases that may be made to the amount of the box [00501] of the result of the profit and loss account before Corporate Tax, for determining the tax base, provided that they are not expressly provided for in any of the corrections included in the previous boxes of section "Details of the corrections to the result of the profit and loss account (excluding the correction by IS )" on page 20 bis of model 200.

Among the circumstances that will give rise to the completion of these boxes, we can mention by way of example and without exhaustive character:

  • Corrections caused by the application of the provisions of Third Additional Provision of the LIS , which establishes the non-integration of positive income into the tax base that have become evident in the tax period as a consequence of:

    1. The perception of the following aid from the community agricultural policy :

      1. Definitive abandonment of vineyard cultivation.

      2. Bonus for uprooting apple plantations.

      3. Bonus for uprooting banana trees.

      4. Permanent abandonment of milk production.

      5. Definitive abandonment of the cultivation of pears, peaches and nectarines.

      6. Start-up of pear, peach and nectarine plantations.

      7. Definitive abandonment of the cultivation of sugar beets and sugar cane.

      8. Aid to schemes in favor of climate and the environment (ecoregimes).

    2. The perception of the following aid from the community fisheries policy : for the definitive cessation of the fishing activity of a vessel and for its transfer for the constitution of mixed companies in third countries, as well as for the definitive abandonment of the fishing activity.

    3. The perception of public aid that is intended to repair the destruction , due to fire, flood, subsidence, volcanic eruption or other natural causes of patrimonial elements assigned to the exercise of economic activities.

    4. The perception of the aid for abandoning road transport activity paid by the Ministry of Public Works to transporters who meet the requirements established in the regulations governing the granting of said aid.

    5. The perception of public compensation due to the mandatory slaughter of livestock , within the framework of actions aimed at the eradication of epidemics or diseases.

  • Corrections motivated by the application of Seventh Additional Provision of the LIS , relating to the non-integration into the corporate tax base of increases and decreases in assets that are revealed as consequence of the affiliation of the professional team to a newly created sports corporation.

  • Corrections that may arise from the application of the assumptions contemplated in the fifth and sixth transitional provisions of the consolidated text of the Law for the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds , approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2002, of December 29.

Keep in mind:

The contributions that the partners make to replenish the net assets of the company , due to the imbalance between the share capital and said assets in accordance with the Real Legislative Decree 1/2010, of July 2, which approves the consolidated text of the Capital Companies Law, are not counted as income . Such contributions are not included in the accounting results and the Tax Law does not establish any correction in this regard.