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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Public subsidies included in profit and loss for the year, not integrated in the taxable base

In second paragraph of article 14.8 of the LIS it is established that subsidies granted by public administrations to companies will not be included in the tax base. of reciprocal guarantee nor the income derived from said subsidies, provided that both are allocated to the technical provisions fund. The provisions of this section will also apply to reguarantee companies in terms of the activities that, in accordance with the provisions of article 11 of the Law on the Legal Regime of Reciprocal Guarantee Companies, must necessarily integrate their corporate purpose.

Filling in form 200

In application of the provisions of this provision, the taxpayer must make the following adjustments in box [00368] «Public subsidies included in the result of the year, not integrable in the tax base (art. . 14.8 LIS)» on page 12 of model 200:

  • This box [00368] must be included, the amount of the subsidies that have been granted by the public administrations to the mutual guarantee companies , as well as, where appropriate, the amount of the income derived from them, provided that both are allocated to the technical provisions fund.

  • Likewise, the amount of subsidies granted by public administrations to the reguarantee companies must be included in box [00368] ## , as well as where appropriate, the amount of the income derived from them, provided that both are allocated to the technical provisions fund and that they refer to the activities that, in accordance with the provisions of article 11 of Law 1/1994, of March 11, on the Legal Regime of Reciprocal Guarantee Companies, must necessarily be integrated into their corporate purpose.