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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Deduction applicable to the taxpayer who participates in the financing of Spanish film productions and live shows (art. 39.7 LIS)

a. Scope

With effect for tax periods beginning on or after January 1, 2021, the taxpayer who participates in the financing of Spanish productions of feature films and short films and fictional audiovisual series, animation, documentary or production and exhibition of live performances of performing and musical arts performed by other taxpayers, may apply the deductions provided for in sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS , in the conditions and terms indicated therein, determining its amount in the same conditions that would have been applied to the producer, provided that they have been generated by the latter. 

The provisions of article 39.7 of the LIS will not apply when the taxpayer participating in the financing is linked , in the sense of article 18 of the LIS, with the taxpayer who generates the right to the deduction provided for in sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS.

The application of the deduction by the taxpayer who participates in the financing will be incompatible , totally or partially, with the deduction to which the producer would be entitled by application of the provisions of sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS.

b. Requirements

  1. Contribution of amounts intended to finance all or part of the production costs, as well as the expenses for obtaining copies, advertising and promotion borne by the producer until limit of 30 percent of production costs, without acquiring intellectual or other property rights regarding the results of productions or shows, whose property must in all cases be the producer.

    The amounts to finance production costs may be contributed in any phase of production , before or after the moment in which the producer incurs the aforementioned production costs, and until obtaining of the nationality certificates and the certificate that accredits the cultural character in relation to its content, as well as the one obtained by the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music, as the case may be. The amounts to finance the expenses for obtaining copies, advertising and promotion by the producer referred to in the first paragraph of article 39.7 of the LIS may be contributed prior or after the moment in which the producer incurs the aforementioned expenses. , but never after the tax period in which the producer incurs them.

    Keep in mind:

    The direct promotional costs referred to in article 36.3 of the LIS must be understood to be included in the expenses for obtaining copies, advertising and promotion.

  2. Subscription of a financing contract

    The producer and the taxpayers who participate in the financing of the production must sign in any phase of the production one or more financing contracts in which, among others, the following ends:

    • Identity of the taxpayers participating in production and financing.

    • Description of the production.

    • Budget of the production with a detailed description of the expenses and, in particular, those that are going to be carried out in Spanish territory. The budget of expenses for obtaining copies, advertising and promotion by the producer will also be included with a detailed description of those that are going to be carried out in Spanish territory.

    • Form of financing of production and expenses for obtaining copies, advertising and promotion by the producer, specifying separately the amounts contributed by the producer, those contributed by the participating taxpayer in its financing and those that correspond to subsidies and other support measures.

  3. Communication to the Tax Administration

    Furthermore, in order to apply this deduction, the taxpayer who participates in the financing must present the financing contract and certification of compliance with requirements a') and b') of section 1 or requirement a) of section 3 of article 36 of the LIS, as appropriate, in a communication to the Tax Administration , signed by both the producer and the taxpayer who participates in the financing of the production, prior to the end of the tax period in which the latter has the right to apply the deduction.

c. Deduction amount

The taxpayer who participates in the financing of the aforementioned productions may apply the deduction in their self-assessment, determining its amount under the same conditions that would have been applied to the producer, provided that they have been generated by him last.

However, the maximum amount of the deduction that the taxpayer who participates in the financing may apply will be the result of multiplying the amount by 1.20 of the amounts that the latter has contributed to finance the aforementioned production costs or the expenses for obtaining copies, advertising and promotion by the producer referred to in the previous paragraphs. The excess deduction may be applied by the producer who has generated the right to it.

Joint limit:

The amount of the deduction applied by the taxpayer participating in the financing must be taken into account for the purposes of applying the joint limit of 25 percent established in article 39.1 of the LIS. Said limit will be raised to 50 percent when the amount of the deduction provided for in sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS, which corresponds to the taxpayer participating in the financing, is equal or greater than 25 percent of its full quota reduced by deductions to avoid international double taxation and bonuses.

d. Filling in form 200

The taxpayer who participates in the financing of production and wants to prove his right to apply the deduction of sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS , must first mark the box [00074] «Taxpayer who finances productions with the right to deduction under art. 36.1 and 36.3 LIS» on page 1 of model 200.

In addition to checking the box [00074], the taxpayer who participates in the financing of production, in order to apply the deduction provided for in sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS , must enter in section "Additional information on Spanish film productions and live shows" on page 18 of form 200, the NIF of the taxpayer who carried out the production or show that it finances.

Regarding the settlement of the tax, the taxpayer who participates in the financing must complete the boxes [02462] «2023: Financier: Spanish film productions» and [02455] «2023: Financier: live performances of performing and musical arts" on page 17 of model 200 when in the tax period that begins in 2023 has consolidated the right to apply the deduction of article 36.1 or 36.3 of the LIS, respectively. This amount cannot be included in the form 200 presented by the producer, that is, the producer in the boxes [00807] «2023: Producer: Spanish film productions» and [01075] «2023: Producer: live performances of performing and musical arts" on page 17 of form 200, you may only complete the amount of the deductions of articles 36.1 and 36.3 of the LIS that will be applied in your liquidation, as a producer, when you meet the requirements regulated in the aforementioned articles to be able to do so. In addition, the taxpayer who participates in the financing must complete in boxes [02463] and [02456] on page 17 of form 200, the amount of the deductions of articles 36.1 and 36.3 of the LIS that applies in its liquidation for having complied with the requirements set forth in the aforementioned articles. Finally, boxes [02464] and [02457] on page 17 of form 200 will be completed by the amount resulting from reducing the deduction pending or generated in 2023 in the amount of the deduction that has been applied in the settlement of the tax period that is declared.


When all or part of the production costs, as well as the expenses for obtaining copies, advertising and promotion by the producer have been financed by other taxpayers, the producer must mark in the tax period in which the planned deduction applies in sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS, box [00044] «Taxpayer who applies deductions from art. 36.1 and 36.3 LIS with financing carried out by other taxpayers» on page 1 of model 200.


Company "A" whose tax period coincides with the calendar year and its net turnover did not exceed 20 million euros, carries out an activity for which it is entitled to apply a deduction for expenses in research and development during the fiscal years 2022 and 2023. Furthermore, the company has financed the production of a Spanish film for which it can apply the deduction for investments in Spanish film productions (article 36.1 LIS ) in accordance with the provisions regarding production financiers. cinematographic films in article 39.7 of the LIS. Company "A" that participates in the financing is not linked to the producer that generates the deduction of article 36.1 of the LIS. Production of the film ends in fiscal 2023.

The data of company "A" to be taken into account in its Corporation Tax settlement are the following:

Fiscal Year 2022

  • Full fee: 36,000 euros
  • R&D deduction (art. 35 LIS): 3,000 euros
  • Film production data:
  • Total cost for fiscal year 2022: 100,000 euros (45,000 euros correspond to the producer and 55,000 euros to the financier)

Fiscal Year 2023

  • Full fee: 50,000 euros
  • R&D deduction (art. 35 LIS): 10,000 euros
  • Film production data:
  • Total cost for fiscal year 2023: 70,000 euros (55,000 euros correspond to the producer and 15,000 euros to the financier)

Liquidation of Corporate Tax 2022

First of all, company "A" must take into account the deduction amounts that give rise to the right to increase the deduction limits.

Verification of the limit of article 39.1 of the LIS:

R&D deduction (art. 35 LIS): 3,000 euros

10% (36,000) = 3,600 euros

3,000 euros < 3,600 euros, so the joint limit of 25% must apply:

Art. limit 39.1 LIS: 25% (36,000) = 9,000 euros

Deduction generated by the producer in 2022: (100,000 x 0.3) = 30,000 euros

Regarding the completion of form 200, company "A" must take into account that it cannot apply the deduction of the taxpayer who participates in the financing of film productions (article 39.7 LIS) until the production ends in fiscal year 2024. Therefore, the company will only be able to apply the R&D deduction (art. 35 LIS) in the 2022 financial year for an amount of 3,000 euros.

Therefore, the company will complete the deduction table to encourage certain activities (page 17 of form 200) for fiscal year 2023 as follows:

Deduction mode Deduction pending/generated Applied in settlement Pending application
2022: Investigation and development 3,000 3,000 0

Liquidation of Corporate Tax 2023

First of all, company "A" must take into account the deduction amounts that give rise to the right to increase the deduction limits.

Verification of the limit of article 39.1 of the LIS:

R&D deduction (art. 35 LIS): 10,000 euros

10% (50,000) = 5,000 euros

10,000 euros > 5,000 euros, so the joint limit of 50% must apply:

Art. limit 39.1 LIS: 50% (50,000) = 25,000 euros

Verification of the limit of article 39.7 of the LIS:

Deduction generated by the producer in 2023: (70,000 x 0.3) = 21,000 euros

Deduction generated by the producer in 2022 and 2023: (170,000 x 0.3) = 51,000 euros

Application of the deduction:

Financier may apply: [(55,000 + 15,000) x 1.2] = 84,000 euros

However, to the extent that the previous result (84,000 euros) is higher than the deduction generated by the producer in 2022 and 2023 (51,000 euros), the financier may apply the entire deduction generated by the producer (51,000 euros), without the producer being able to apply any amount of the deduction as there is no excess (51,000 – 51,000 = 0).

Deduction for Spanish film productions, financier (article 39.7 LIS): 51,000 euros

25% (50,000) = 12,500 euros

51,000 euros > 12,500 euros, so the joint limit of 50% must apply:

Art. limit 39.7 LIS: 50% (50,000) = 25,000 euros

Thus, for the purposes of applying the R&D deduction (art. 35 LIS) and the deduction of the taxpayer who participates in the financing of film productions (article 39.7 LIS), the company must apply the joint limit of 50 percent to the two deductions, so:

Joint limit for fiscal year 2023: 50% (50,000) = 25,000 euros

Company "A" can apply the deduction of article 35 of the LIS in the amount of 10,000 euros in fiscal year 2023 and as for the deduction of article 39.7 of the LIS, in this fiscal year 2023 the amount of 51,000 euros can be applied, since that in this fiscal year 2023 the completion of the film has occurred.

The joint limit is 25,000 euros and the total amount of deductions to be applied by the company in this year is 61,000 euros, so said company must decide which deduction or deductions to apply. We understand that the most advantageous option for society would be to first apply the deduction of article 39.7 of the LIS, since the R&D deduction has a longer period of application, 18 years, compared to the 15 years provided for the deduction. of article 39.7 of the LIS.

Therefore, the company will complete the deduction table to encourage certain activities (page 17 of form 200) for fiscal year 2023 as follows:

Deduction mode Deduction pending/generated Applied in settlement Pending application
Add deductions Ch. IV Tit. VI Law 43/95, RDLeg. 4/2004 and LIS  0 0 0
2023: Investigation and development 10,000 0 10,000
2023: Financier: Spanish film productions 51,000 25,000 26,000