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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Common rules on deductions to encourage certain activities

Regulation: Article 39 LIS .

The following common provisions are established for the deductions provided for in Chapter IV of Title VI of the LIS:

  • These deductions will be made once the deductions and bonuses of Chapters II and III of Title VI of the LIS have been made.

    Keep in mind:

    By applying the deductions for investments for the year established in the Corporate Tax Law, and the pending balances of deductions regulated both in previous Corporate Tax laws, as well as in the different General State Budget Laws or in laws that establish specific regimes , the order established in section 1 of the twenty-fourth transitional provision of the LIS or in article 39.1 of the same must be taken into account.

    Deductions for investments will be made once the deductions and bonuses of Chapters II and III of Title VI of the LIS have been applied, as well as the deductions to avoid double taxation pending application, which could be regulated in laws regulating Corporate Tax. prior to the LIS.

  • The amounts corresponding to the tax period not deducted may be applied in the settlements of the tax periods that end in the 15 immediate and successive years .

    However, the amounts corresponding to the deduction for research and development and technological innovation activities provided for in article 35 of the LIS, may be applied in the settlements of the tax periods that end in the 18 immediate and successive years .

    Keep in mind:

    The provisions of this point will also apply to deductions under the regime of article 27.3 First of Law 49/2002, generated in 2023 and that have not been deducted in this declaration.

  • The calculation of the deadlines for the application of deductions may be deferred until the first year in which, within the limitation period, positive results occur, in the following cases.

    • In newly created entities.

    • In entities that clean up losses from previous years through the effective contribution of new resources, without the application or capitalization of reserves being considered as such.

  • The amount of the deductions provided for in Chapter IV of Title VI of the LIS, applied in the tax period, may not jointly exceed 25 percent of the full tax reduced in the deductions for avoid double taxation and bonuses. However, the limit will be raised to 50 percent when the amount of the deductions provided for in articles 35 and 36 of the LIS, which corresponds to expenses and investments made in the tax period itself , exceeds 10 percent of the full quota, reduced by deductions to avoid international double taxation and bonuses.

    Keep in mind:

    This joint limit will be applied to all the deductions that are included in the table "Deductions to encourage certain activities ( Chap. IV. Tit. VI, DT 24.3 LIS and art. 27.3 first Law 49/2002)» on pages 17, 18 and 18 bis of model 200.

    The amount of the deduction applied by the taxpayer who participates in the financing of Spanish productions of feature films, short films, fiction, animation or documentary audiovisual series, or in the production and exhibition of shows live performance of performing and musical arts performed by other taxpayers, must be taken into account for the purposes of applying the joint limit of 25 percent established in the first paragraph of this point. However, said limit will be raised to 50 percent when the amount of the deduction provided for in sections 1 and 3 of article 36 of the LIS, which corresponds to the taxpayer participating in the financing , is equal to or greater than 25 percent of its full quota reduced by deductions to avoid international double taxation and bonuses.

  • The same investment may not give rise to the application of more than one deduction in the same entity unless expressly provided, nor may it give rise to the application of a deduction in more than one entity.

  • The assets subject to the deductions provided for in this chapter to which this section refers, must remain in operation for 5 years, or 3 years , if it is movable property, or during its useful life if it is shorter.

    In the case of cinematographic productions and audiovisual series , this requirement will be deemed fulfilled to the extent that the production company maintains the same percentage of ownership of the work during the period of 3 years , without prejudice to its power to commercialize all or part of the exploitation rights derived from it to one or more third parties.

    Together with the fee corresponding to the tax period in which non-compliance with this requirement is manifested, the deducted amount will be entered, in addition to late payment interest.

  • The right of the Administration to initiate the verification procedure of the deductions provided for in this Chapter applied or pending to be applied will lapse the 10 years counting from the day following the day on which the deadline established for submitting the declaration or self-assessment corresponding to the tax period in which the right to apply was generated.

    After this period, the taxpayer must prove the deductions whose application they intend to apply, by displaying the liquidation or self-assessment and the accounting, with proof of their deposit during the aforementioned period in the Commercial Registry.