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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Determination of the taxable base and the gross tax liability under the individual taxation scheme, for the application of the limits established in Articles 67, sections c), d) and e), and 71.2 of the LIS

In accordance with article 67 e) of the LIS , the negative tax bases of any entity pending compensation at the time of its integration into the tax group may be offset in the tax base of this, with the limit of 70 percent of the individual tax base of the entity itself, taking into account the eliminations and incorporations that correspond to said entity.

On the other hand, article 71.2 of the LIS establishes that the deductions of any entity pending application at the time of its inclusion in the tax group may be deducted from the full quota of the tax group with the limit that would have corresponded to said entity in the individual tax regime, taking into account the eliminations and incorporations that correspond to said entity, in accordance with the provisions of articles 64 and 65 of the LIS.

In short, to determine the amount of the negative tax bases to be offset and the deductions to be applied in the period, generated by an entity prior to its incorporation into the group, it is necessary to determine the individual taxation of the entity with group criteria, taking into account take into account deletions and additions.

To determine the individual liquidation of the entity with group criteria, you must continue with the liquidation from box [01029] on page 13 of form 200. So, starting from the individual tax base taken into account for the calculation of the group's tax base, box [01029], the eliminations and incorporations corresponding to the entity must be added, box [01030], and the individual integration of the provisions of article 11.12 of the LIS, box [01031], whose completion has not been possible on page 12 of form 200 (boxes [00415], [00211], [00416] and [00543]).

The result will determine the tax base before the compensation of negative tax bases in box [00550], and from there the self-assessment of the positive net amount will be completed, that is, box [00592] on page 14 bis of the model. 200, always respecting the group's criteria.