Summary table of persons obliged to submit the form
Set of operations carried out in the tax period (regardless of the amount of operations per related entity) | Obliged |
If the set of operations of the same type and valuation method > 50% of the entity's turnover
Yes |
≤ €100,000 in specific operations of the same type
No |
> €100,000 in specific operations of the same type
Yes |
Operations carried out in the tax period with the same person or entity |
Obliged |
≤ €250,000 of transactions per related entity (not specific transactions)
No |
> €250,000 of transactions per related entity (not specific transactions)
Yes |
Specific operations:
Transactions with individuals who pay taxes on an objective basis, in which the individual or joint participation with their family members is ≥ 25% of the capital or equity
Transfer of businesses, securities or equity interests of entities not admitted to trading or admitted in non-cooperative jurisdictions
Transfer of real estate and operations on intangible assets
Operations excluded from the obligation to submit Form 232: