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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Declaration characters (page 1 of Form 200)

Firstly, cooperative societies that apply the special regime provided for in Law 20/1990, based on their classification, must check one of the following boxes on page 1 of form 200:

  • Box [00017] Protected cooperative

    Cooperatives that are considered protected will check this box, in accordance with the provisions of article 6 of Law 20/1990.

  • Box [00018] Specially protected cooperative

    Cooperatives that are considered specially protected must check this box, as they comply with the requirements set out in article 7 of Law 20/1990.

  • Box [00080] Unions, federations and confederations of cooperatives

    This box will be checked by the unions, federations and confederations of cooperatives that, in accordance with the provisions of article 79 of Law 27/1999, of July 16, on Cooperatives, are formed by cooperatives of any type and class that constitute companies, groups, consortia and unions among themselves, or with other natural or legal persons, public or private, formalizing agreements or agreements, for the best fulfillment of their corporate purpose and for the defense of their interests.


    As established in article 36.b) of Law 20/1990, these entities will pay Corporate Tax under the regime of partially exempt entities regulated in Chapter XIV of Title VII of the LIS .

  • Box [00019] Rest of cooperatives

    This box will be checked by cooperatives that do not have the status of fiscally protected cooperative due to incurring any of the causes of loss of said status established in article 13 of Law 20/1990.

  • Boxes [00009] and [00010] Cooperative groups

    Groups of cooperatives that pay taxes in the tax consolidation regime regulated in Chapter VI of Title VII of the LIS and in Royal Decree 1345/1992, of November 6, by which rules are issued for the adaptation of the provisions that regulate taxation on consolidated profits to groups of cooperative societies, they must mark these boxes as follows:

    1. Box [00009] “Dominant entity of tax group”

      This box must be checked to indicate whether the reporting cooperative society is the dominant entity or head entity of the tax group.

      Entities that check this box must also complete box [00040] "Tax group number" in the "Group" section on page 1 of form 200, in order to identify the tax group to which they belong.

      If this box is checked, the NIF of the reporting cooperative society, entered in the identification section, will be directly transferred to the field on page 1 of form 200 called « NIF of the representative/dominant entity (included in the tax group)" which can only be completed by entities that have checked the boxes [00009] "Dominant entity of tax group" or [00010] " Entity dependent on tax group.

      Cooperative societies that mark this box must not complete the data on pages 15 to 20 quater, except page 20 bis regarding the details of the corrections to the result of the loss account and profits, and page 20 quater, regarding the application of results.

    2. Box [00010] “Entity dependent on tax group”

      This box must be checked to indicate whether the reporting cooperative society is the dependent entity within the tax group.

      Cooperative societies that check this box must complete box [00040] “Tax group number” of the “Group” section on page 1 of the form 200, in order to identify the tax group to which they belong.

      If the box [00010] has been checked, the reporting cooperative society must enter the NIF of the dominant or representative cooperative society (in the case of groups made up only of dependent cooperative societies) in the field called "NIF of the representative/dominant entity (included in the tax group)" of the "Group" section on page 1 of form 200.

      In addition, cooperative societies that check box [00010] on page 1 of form 200 must enter in the case of groups whose cooperative society resides abroad or is subject to regional regulations, the identification number of the cooperative society of the group to which they belong, in the field « Identification number of the dominant entity (in the case of groups made up only of dependent entities) » in the “Group” section on page 1 of model 200.

      Cooperative societies that mark this box must only complete on pages 15 to 20 quater of form 200, the sections relating to the details of the corrections to the result of the profit and loss account of the company. page 20 bis and to the application of results on page 20 quater.

      Cooperative societies must not complete the “Details of quota compensation” box on page 22 of form 200.

  • Multinational cooperative group

    In the event that a group of cooperatives constitutes a multinational, they must check the following boxes:

    1. Casilla [00081] Multinational group subsidiary

      Cooperative societies that are part of a multinational group will check this box, regardless of their taxation in the Tax Consolidation Regime regulated in Chapter VI of Title VII of the LIS, to indicate whether said reporting entity is a dependent entity within the multinational group.


      Cooperative societies that check this box must complete, in the "Group" section on page 1 of form 200, the information requested about the ultimate parent company of the multinational group, whether it is resident in Spanish territory or resides abroad ( You can consult how the section « Group » is completed in Chapter 2 of this Practical Manual).

    2. Box [00082] Parent company of the last multinational group

      Cooperative societies that are part of a multinational group will mark this box, regardless of their taxation in the tax consolidation regime regulated in Chapter VI of Title VII of the LIS, to indicate whether said reporting entity is the dominant entity. or head of the multinational group.