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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Total tax liability

1. Types of tax applicable to cooperatives

The previous full quota (box [00560]) is the sum of the amounts resulting from applying to each portion of the tax base disaggregated into cooperative and extra-cooperative results (boxes [00053] and [ 00554] on page 14 of model 200), the corresponding type of tax (box [00558] on page 14 of model 200).

The special tax regime for cooperatives establishes that these entities must apply different types of taxation depending on their classification and the nature of the results:

  1. Fiscally protected cooperative societies

    • 20 percent on the part of the tax base constituted by the cooperative results of the tax period ( 25 percent in the case of cooperative credit societies and savings banks rural)

    • 25 percent to the part of the tax base constituted by the extra-cooperative results of the tax period ( 30 percent in the case of credit cooperative societies and savings banks rural).

  2. Cooperative societies that in accordance with the provisions of article 13 of Law 20/1990 are not considered fiscally protected, will be taxed at the rate of general tax of 25 percent of the Corporate Tax, for all of its cooperative and extra-cooperative results.

Cooperative societies Tax rates
Cooperative results Extra-cooperative results
Fiscally-protected cooperatives 20% 25%
Credit cooperatives and rural banks 25% 30%
Fiscally unprotected cooperatives 25%
(on the sum of the cooperative and extra-cooperative results)

The sum of the amounts resulting from applying to each portion of the tax base disaggregated in the cooperative and extra-cooperative results may be negative, and its amount may be offset with full positive contributions from the following tax periods, in the terms established in article 24.1 and in the eighth Additional Provision of Law 20/1990.


The tax base of the Agrarian Cooperative "X" (fiscally protected) in year n (which coincides with the calendar year) is 2,000 euros, with "+16,000 euros" being the part constituted by cooperative results and "-14,000 euros" being the corresponding to extra-cooperative results.

Applying its tax rate to each of the portions of the tax base, the result will be:

  • (+16,000) x 20%: 3,200 euros
  • (- 14,000) x 25%: -3,500 euros
  • Previous full fee (box [00560]): -300 euros

2. Filling in form 200

Taking into account the provisions of this section, cooperative societies must complete box [00560] “Previous full quota” on page 14 of form 200 as follows:

  1. The fiscally protected cooperative societies that have to apply to each of the parts of the tax base (constituted by the cooperative and extra-cooperative results, respectively) the corresponding tax rate, must record in this box with its sign, the result of performing the following operation:

    [00560] = [00553] x [00558]/100 + [00554] x 25%

  2. The credit cooperative societies and rural savings banks will enter in this box the result of carrying out the following operation:

    [00560] = [00553] x [00558]/100 + [00554] x 30%

    For the sole purpose of completing box [00558] "Type of tax" on page 14 of form 200, tax-protected cooperative societies must enter the tax rate of 20 percent that corresponds to the cooperative results (25 percent if These are credit cooperatives and rural banks).

  3. As for cooperative societies that are not considered fiscally protected, that must apply the general tax rate of 25 percent to all cooperative and extra-cooperative results, will be recorded in this box, the result of performing the following operation:

    [00560] = [00552] x 25%

    In the case of cooperative societies that are not considered tax protected, in box [00552] "Tax Base" on page 13 of form 200, the result of adding the boxes [00553] "Cooperative results" and [00554] "Extra-cooperative results" on page 14 of model 200.

    In addition, these companies that are not considered tax protected must take the following into account:

    • If they apply the tax rate established for newly created entities in article 29.1 of the LIS (they must have previously checked the box [00071] on page 1 of form 200), they will record in box [00560] the result of performing the following operation:

      [00560] = [00552] x 15%

    • If they apply the tax rate established for newly created entities in the twenty-second transitional provision of the LIS (they must have previously checked box [00063] on page 1 of form 200) , they will record in box [00560] the result of performing the following operation:

      • If the tax base for the tax period is equal to or less than 300,000 euros:

        [00560] = [00552] x 15%

      • If the tax base for the tax period is greater than 300,000 euros:

        [00560] = 300,000 x 15% + ([00552] – 300,000) x 20%

      In the event that the tax period of these newly created entities has a duration of less than year, the calculation in box [00560] will be:

      • If the tax base for the tax period is equal to or less than 300,000 euros xd/365:

        [00560] = [00552] x 15%

      • If the tax base for the tax period is greater than 300,000 euros xd/365:

        [00560] = 300,000 xd/365 x 15% + ([00552] – 300,000 xd/365) x 20%

        Note: Being "d" the number of days of duration of the tax period , understanding that when it is 1 year long it will contain, in any case, 365 days.

    • If they are considered emerging companies according to the provisions of Law 28/2022, of December 21 (they must have previously checked the box [00083] on page 1 of form 200), and apply in the first tax period in which the tax base is positive and in the following three (as long as they maintain this condition) the reduced tax rate of 15 percent in the terms established in article 29.1 of the LIS, they will record in box [00560] the result of carrying out the following operation:

      [00560] = [00552] x 15%

    • If your net amount of turnover for the immediately preceding tax period is less than 1 million euros and in accordance with the provisions of article 29.1 of the LIS, apply the reduced tax rate of 23 percent (they must have previously checked box [00088] on page 1 of form 200), they will enter in box [00560] the result of carrying out the following operation:

      [00560] = [00552] x 23%

Keep in mind:

As explained above, in the case of fiscally protected cooperative societies, the box [00560] “Previous full quota” may be negative and will be recorded with a minus sign (-).

In these cases, the cooperative may offset its amount with the full positive contributions of the following tax periods, taking into account the limits provided for in article 24.1 and in the Additional Provision to the eighth of the Law. 20/1990.

Furthermore, and regardless of the compensation indicated, if box [00560] is negative, the cooperative must enter “zero” in the boxes [00562], [00582] and [00592] , going directly to completing, if applicable, the boxes corresponding to the withholdings for the year (boxes [01785] and following), until determining the liquid amount resulting from the settlement (boxes [00621] and, where applicable, [00622] relating to "Liquid to be deposited or returned" on page 14 bis of form 200).