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Practical Manual of Companies 2023.

Deduction for the acquisition of new fixed assets

On the occasion of the publication of the Supreme Court Ruling 2022/2024, of April 10, 2024, the regulations that must be applied to the deduction for investments made in the Canary Islands regulated in article 94 of Law 20/1991, of 7 June, regarding the acquisition of fixed assets, as provided for in the fourth transitional provision of Law 19/1994, is the one included in article 26 of Law 61/1978 , of December 27, of the Corporate Tax, in its latest wording given by article 74 of Law 19/1994, of December 30, of General State Budgets for 1995, and in its Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 2631 /1982, of October 15, understanding that there is no equivalent replacement regime and that it must continue to be carried out in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of suppression.

1. Requirements

In order to apply the deduction for the acquisition of fixed assets, it is necessary:

  • That investments be made in Canary Islands in new tangible fixed assets , excluding land, used for the development of the business activity of the entity.

    For these purposes, the following appraised categories are considered fixed assets:

    • Buildings and other constructions located in Spain.

    • Machinery, installations and tools.

    • Elements of internal and external transport, excluding vehicles that may be used by people directly or indirectly linked to the entity.

    • Furniture and fixtures.

    • Information processing equipment.

    • Mining investigations.

  • That the amounts invested be accounted for within fixed assets, except for those that refer to concepts that are in the nature of current expenses.

  • That the elements remain in operation in the company of the same taxpayer for at least 5 years or during their useful life, if shorter, without being subject to transmission, lease or assignment to third parties for their use. use.

Taxpayers who dedicate themselves, through economic exploitation , to leasing or assigning fixed assets to third parties for their use, may enjoy this deduction, provided they meet the requirements set forth in the paragraphs above and there is no link, direct or indirect, with the lessees or assignees of said assets nor are they financial leasing operations.

This deduction is also allowed to be applied to movable property acquired under a financial lease that has an amortization coefficient equal to or equal to the amortization tables approved by the Order of May 12, 1993. greater than 10 percent. In this case, the applicable deduction percentage, which in no case will be higher than that generally established, will be calculated by multiplying the aforementioned general percentage by the result of the quotient formed by:

  • In the numerator, the effective term in months of the financial leasing operation.

  • In the denominator, the minimum period in months that, in accordance with the tax rules in force at the time of the contract, the asset acquired under a financial lease could be amortized.

The same investment may not give rise to the application of the deduction in more than one entity.

2. Deduction base

The basis of the deduction will be the total of the agreed consideration , excluding interest, indirect state taxes and their surcharges, which will not be computed in it, regardless of their consideration for purposes of asset valuation.

3. Computation of the deduction

Investments in tangible fixed assets that give the right to apply this deduction will be deemed to have been made in the tax period in which come into operation .

When the period elapsed between the firm order of the goods and the actual receipt by the entity is greater than two years, the deduction may be computed in the tax periods in which payments are made , for the corresponding part. This rule will also be applicable when the investment payment term is greater than two years.

4. Percentages

The deduction for the acquisition of new fixed assets continues to be applied in the Canary Islands in accordance with the deduction regime established in article 26 of Law 61/1978, of December 27, in its latest wording given by article 74 of the Law 19/1994, of December 30, with the specialties introduced by article 94 of Law 20/1991.

Therefore, the 5 percent deduction percentage established in article 26 of Law 61/1978, of December 27, may be increased in accordance with article 94.1.a) of Law 20/1991 . This article indicates that the rates applicable to investments made will be 80 percent higher than those of the general regime, with a minimum differential of 20 percentage points. In the case of this deduction, the percentage to be applied will be 25 percent , since it is the greater of the following two percentages:

  • 5% x 1.8 = 9%
  • 5% + 20% = 25%

5. Applicable limits

In the same way that the percentages are increased, the limits applicable to this deduction will also be increased in accordance with article 94.1. b) of Law 20/1991.

The deduction for investments in new fixed assets in the Canary Islands from both previous tax periods and tax period object of declaration is subject to a joint limit of 35 percent of the liquid quota.

Therefore, the joint limit of 35 percent in accordance with the provisions of section Seven of article 26 of Law 61/1978 and in article 94.1. b) of Law 20/1991 in the case of the deduction for investments in new fixed assets in the Canary Islands that come from both previous tax periods and the tax period being declared, will be increased to 70 percent, since it is the greater of the following two:

  • 35% x 1.8 = 63%
  • 35% + 35% = 70%

With effects for the tax periods that begin on or after November 7, 2018, for the islands of La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, if we apply the general joint limit of 35 percent percent as provided in article 94.1.b) of Law 20/1991 which establishes that the minimum limit of 80 percent will increase to 100 percent and the minimum differential will go to 45 points percentages, when the community regulations on state aid allow it and they are investments contemplated in Law 2/2016, of September 27 and other laws of measures for the organization of the economic activity of these islands, the 35 percent limit will be increased to 80 percent , since according to the following calculations it is the greater of:

  • 35% x 2 = 70%
  • 35% + 45% = 80%

Practical example

Entity "A" with tax domicile in the Canary Islands has made investments in the Canary Islands in 2023, which gives it the right to apply the deduction for the acquisition of new fixed assets (DAF). The deduction generated in this exercise is 500 euros.

The deduction for the acquisition of new fixed assets generated by entity "A" in previous years pending application and that will be applied in this year is:

  • Fiscal year 2017 300 euros
  • Fiscal year 2018: 600 euros
  • Fiscal year 2019: 900 euros

The full positive adjusted quota of entity "A" in fiscal year 2023 (box [00582] on page 14 of form 200) is 8,000 euros.

To apply this deduction, this entity must respect the joint limit of 70 percent applicable both for deductions for the acquisition of new fixed assets from tax periods pending application and from the tax period being declared. Therefore:

Deduction for fiscal year 2023:

  • Joint limit:

    300 (DAF 2017) + 600 (DAF 2018) + 900 (DAF 2019) + 500 (DAF 2023) = 2,300 < 5,600 (8,000 x 0.7) 

According to the calculations made, this entity complies with the legal limits and will be able to apply the pending deductions in full in fiscal year 2023, as well as the deduction generated in this fiscal year.

According to this example, entity "A" must transfer the amount of the amounts corresponding to the deduction for the acquisition of new fixed assets to the table "Investment deductions in the Canary Islands with increased limits" of the pages 16 bis of model 200 as follows:

Investment deductions in the Canary Islands with increased limits
(page 16 bis of model 200)
Exercises Deduction
pending / generated
Applied in this
Pending application
in future years
2017: Fixed assets (Law 20/1991) [01778] 300 [01779] 300 [01780] 0
2018: Fixed assets (Law 20/1991) [00852] 600 [00853] 600 [00856] 0
2019: Fixed assets (Law 20/1991) [02116] 900 [02117] 900 [02118] 0
2023: Fixed assets (Law 20/1991) [01614] 500 [01615 ] 500 [01616] 0