Location on Renta WEB
To include the maternity deduction and the additional increase for childcare expenses in Renta WEB, select the line “For maternity” in “Declaration sections” of Renta WEB within Family deductions (maternity, disability and large family). Exercise 2022 and extension of the deduction in the years 2020 and 2021”:
So you access the declaration page where it is distinguished:
Maternity deduction. Exercise 2022: It includes the maternity deduction corresponding to 2022 both for the months in which an activity is carried out on a self-employed or employed basis and for the months in which any of these new circumstances occur, the amount of the advance payment that would have been obtained through this deduction and the increase for expenses of authorized nurseries or early childhood education centers corresponding to the year 2022.
Exercises 2020 and 2021. Extension of maternity deduction to other situations: to reflect both the increase in the maternity deduction and the increase in childcare expenses to which the individual is entitled due to the new circumstances.