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Protocol for the implementation of the provision of information for tax purposes by the Autonomous Communities and cities with a statute of autonomy (PROTCCAA - June 2021)

2.2. Obtaining the electronic certificate

For the Headquarters route , each authorized user must have a Electronic Public Employee Certificate, a Person Representative Certificate Legal, a Certificate of Representative of an Entity without Legal Personality, or a Certificate of a Natural Person. In addition, the possibility of accessing with Legal Entity Certificate will continue to be maintained (until they expire).

The electronic certificates admitted by the Tax Agency are those included in the list of certification service providers admitted by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, according to the provisions of Order HAP/800/2014, of May 9, by the that specific rules are established on identification and authentication systems by electronic means with the State Tax Administration Agency. The issuing entities of certificates admitted in accordance with the previous Order can be consulted at the following link: Service providers authorized by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism New window .

For the web services route , an electronic certificate of type is required. Qualified electronic certificate of Representative of a legal entity, Qualified electronic certificate of Entity Seal or Qualified electronic Certificate of Seal in the field of Public Administrations in accordance with Law 40/2015 .

The electronic certificates accepted are those included in the list of Service providers authorized by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism New window as provided in Order HAP/800/2014, of May 9, which establishes specific rules on identification and authentication systems by electronic means with the State Tax Administration Agency.

The procedure for issuing these certificates will depend on the certification service provider used.

When the renewal of a previously authorized electronic certificate is required, a specific electronic certificate replacement form may be used New window .

After the steps indicated in the previous sections, the bodies of the Autonomous Communities and Cities with Statute of Autonomy are in a position to begin requesting information from the Tax Agency.