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Protocol for the implementation of the provision of information for tax purposes by the Autonomous Communities and cities with a statute of autonomy (PROTCCAA - June 2021)

2.1 Registration request

The bodies of each Autonomous Community and its public law bodies and entities must submit through the electronic registration procedure of the corresponding procedure of the Electronic Headquarters of the Tax Agency ( Presentation of authorization forms in standardized supplies New window ) a form to the Special Delegation of the Tax Agency of its territorial scope. When registering the documentation, an acknowledgment of Receipt of the Submission will be provided with the assigned Secure Verification Code, which must be kept by the requesting organization during processing.

The forms coming from bodies of the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla will be sent to the Delegation of the Tax Agency of Ceuta and Melilla, respectively.

This form varies depending on the way through which the information is to be requested:

The forms must be completed in their entirety according to the instructions at the end of them.

In the event that correction is required, it will be communicated, and said correction will be sent through the electronic registration procedure for Answer requirements or present documentation related to a document received from the AEAT New from the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency . It will be necessary to refer to the Secure Verification Code (CSV) provided in the Submission Receipt of the documentation to which the correction refers, so that both documentations are correctly linked.

Once the registration has been made, the requesting body, agency or entity will be notified.

When for any circumstance a public body or any of its users no longer require access to the information for which they are authorized, the Tax Agency will be notified so that the corresponding deregistration of organizations and/or users can be managed. , using the deregistration forms available in the help documentation ( one for headquarters paths New and another for web services New ) and following the same rules described regarding registration regarding the recipient unit of the corresponding form .

Additionally, these authorizations are periodically purged .