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Protocol for the implementation of the provision of information for tax purposes by the Autonomous Communities and cities with a statute of autonomy (PROTCCAA - June 2021)

3.1.1. Request for information via CESII

Through the electronic office, access to the application is offered ( Immediate transfer of information: request New window ). To enter, you will need to authenticate yourself with an electronic certificate. The application includes a tutorial.

The user must select the necessary supply from among those for which he is authorized.

The request, which will consist of a list of records (understood as a NIF followed by the full name - format: first surname second surname name or company name -), can be done in two ways:

  • Uploading a file in “.csv” format. It is not necessary to use any special program to prepare the file. Directly from Excel you can save the document as a “.csv” file. The “.csv” file is a simple document type for representing data in table form: Columns are separated by semicolons, and rows by newlines. If you are working with Excel, you can save the file with the “.csv” extension. In turn, a “.csv” file can be opened with the Excel program, displaying the information as a table.
  • By writing directly, in a text field, a NIF or several NIFs, one per row (separating the NIF from the full name/company name with a semicolon).

Depending on the selected supply, the maximum number of records requested in each request will vary. This number will be specified in the web application.