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Protocol for the implementation of the provision of information for tax purposes by the Autonomous Communities and cities with a statute of autonomy (PROTCCAA - June 2021)

3.2.2. Web services testing

The Tax Agency has an Integration environment to facilitate preliminary testing of web services before the start of requests in the Production environment. In the Integration environment, only test NIFs prepared can be consulted so that the different use cases related to the web service to be invoked can be validated.

When the use of a Tax Agency web service is authorized, the same web service will also be authorized in the Integration environment to carry out all the necessary prior tests. To do this, in the Registration form to request information through CC.AA. web services New window , the details of the electronic certificate that will be used in this environment must be indicated.

In the documentation for web services ( Index of web services of information supplies New window ) includes the information necessary to use this Integration environment.