Delegated corporate cooperation
It allows employees (delegates) of people who exercise social collaboration to carry out, via the Internet, with their electronic certificates, procedures for tax-obligated subjects.
Delegated social collaboration from the consultation point of view
The consultation of submitted declarations can be done by:
The social collaborator himself or herself, with:
Certificate of natural person if the social collaborator is a natural person.
Certificate of representative of a legal entity if the social collaborator is a legal entity.
You will be able to access all the presentations that have been made either with a certificate from the person exercising social collaboration or by an authorized employee as a delegate using his or her own electronic certificate.
The employee authorized as a delegate of the social collaborator using his/her own electronic certificate:
You will be able to access the presentations made by any of the delegates of the social collaborator and that they have made acting with such delegation of the social collaborator and as long as they remain authorized by the social collaborator in the table of delegated persons.
Taxpayers may consult the declarations submitted by a third party.
If it is a legal entity. With an electronic certificate of representative of the legal entity, you will be able to consult all the presentations in which you appear as the owner.
If you are a natural person. With an electronic certificate for a natural person or with Cl@ve PIN you can consult all the presentations in which you appear as the holder.