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List of organisations with whom agreements have been signed


BranchCompanyRegistered AddressAgreement signature
Granada * Official College of Administrative Managers of Granada, Jaén and Almería C/ Los Frailes, 30 - 18005 Granada 06/08/1994
Official College of Administrative Managers of Granada, Jaén and Almería C/ Los Frailes, 30 - 18005 Granada 05/09/2003
Huelva * College of Administrative Managers of Huelva --- ---
Málaga * Official College of Administrative Managers of Malaga Pz. Villa Castelldefels, bldg. Golondrina, 2 - 29006 Málaga 14/02/2000
Sevilla * Illustrious Official College of Administrative Managers of Seville Miguel Mañara 9 - Seville 12/05/2000

* Adhesion Protocols