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List of organisations with whom agreements have been signed


BranchCompanyRegistered AddressAgreement signature
--- Confederation of Aragonese Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME Aragón) Parque de Roma Urbanization - Santander 36, 2 Pl. - 50010 Zaragoza 08/05/2001
Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Zaragoza (CEPYME Zaragoza) Parque de Roma Urbanization - Santander 36, 2 Pl. - 50010 Zaragoza 08/05/2001
Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs of Zaragoza (FEMZ) Parque de Roma Urbanization - Santander 36, 2 Pl. - 50010 Zaragoza 08/05/2001
Professional Association of Cafes, Bars and Similar Entrepreneurs of Zaragoza Pz. Spain, 4, 4 - 50001 Zaragoza 28/07/2004
Federation of Hospitality Entrepreneurs of Zaragoza (HORECA) Paseo Sagasta, 40, Of. 5 - 50006 Zaragoza 25/01/2005
Huesca Business Confederation of the Province of Huesca (CEOS CEPYME Huesca) Pz. Luis López Allué, 3, 2 - 22001 Huesca 24/07/2003
Teruel Mezquín Business Association C/ Maestro Rebullida, 20 - 44640 Torrecilla de Alcañiz (Teruel) 02/05/2006