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List of organisations with whom agreements have been signed

Castilla y León

BranchCompanyRegistered AddressAgreement signature
Avila Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ávila C/ Eduardo Marquina, 6 - 05001 Ávila 19/09/2005
Burgos Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burgos San Carlos, 1 - 09003 Burgos 05/02/2008
Valladolid Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Valladolid Av. Ramón Pradera, s/n - 47009 Valladolid 19/07/2005
León * Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of León Av. Padre Isla, 30 - 24002 León 25/04/2013
Palencia * Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Palencia Plaza Pío XII, 7 - 34005 Palencia 30/04/2013

* Adherence to the framework agreement with the Superior Council of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Spain