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List of organisations with whom agreements have been signed

Present throughout the Spanish State

CompanyRegistered AddressAgreement signature
Caja Caminos, Sociedad Cooperativa de Crédito (On 02/08/08 it became Banco Caminos, SA) C/ Almagro, 42 - 28010 Madrid 26/04/2002
Caixa dels Advocats - Lawyers' Fund, Credit Cooperative Society C/ Mallorca, 283 - Barcelona 26/06/2002
Caja Rural de Casa Ibáñez, Soc. Coop. of Agricultural Credit C/ Tercia, 49 - 02200 Albacete 04/05/2011
Caja Rural de Albacete, Ciudad Real and Cuenca, SCC (GLOBALCAJA) C/ Berna, 1 - Toledo 29/11/2011
New Caja Rural de Aragón, Cooperative Credit Society C/ San Voto, 6-8 - 50003 Zaragoza 29/02/2012
Caja Rural de Burgos, Fuentepelayo, Segovia and Castelldans, Cooperative Credit Society C/ Los Coches, 2-4 - 40002 Segovia 19/12/2012
Cajas Rurales Unidas, Cooperative Credit Society Plaza de Barcelona, 5 -04003 Almería 18/03/2013
Caja Laboral Popular, Credit Cooperative Pº. José Mª Arizmendiarrieta, s/n - 20500 Arrasate-Mondragón (Guipúzcoa) 17/04/2013
Caixa Rural Sant Vicent Ferrer de la Vall D'Uixo Plaza Centro, 4 - 12600 La Vall D'Uixo (Castellón) 07/05/2013
Caja Rural San Jaime de Alquerías Niño Perdido, S. Coop. of Credit V. C/ Jaime Chicharro, 24 - 12539 Alquerías del Niño Perdido (Castellón) 06/03/2014