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List of organisations with whom agreements have been signed


BranchCompanyRegistered AddressAgreement signature
Huesca * Barbastro City Council Pza. Constitución, 2 - 22300 Barbastro (Huesca) 09/06/2003
*Binaced City Council Pza. Aragón, 15 - 22510 Binaced (Huesca) 05/04/2005
Teruel * Galve City Council 44168 Galve (Teruel) 18/05/2004
Zaragoza * Torrellas City Council Pza. Mayor, 21 - 50512 Torrellas (Zaragoza) 09/06/2006

* Protocols of Adherence to the Framework Collaboration Agreement with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP)