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List of organisations with whom agreements have been signed


BranchCompanyRegistered AddressAgreement signature
--- Excellency Valencia City Council Plaza Ayuntamiento, 1 - 46002 Valencia 30/04/2001
Autonomous Organization "Suma. Tax management. Provincial Council of Alicante" Plaza San Cristóbal, 1 - 03002 Alicante 08/05/2002
Excm. Ajuntament d'Ontinyent Plaza Mayor, 1 - 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia) 14/05/2002
Provincial Council of Castellón Plaza de Las Aulas, s/n - 12001 Castelló de la Plana 11/08/2008
* Sinarcas City Council Plaza Ayuntamiento, 1 - 46320 Sinarcas (Valencia) 29/12/2003
Sinarcas City Council 04/07/2007
*Loriguilla City Council Av. Oeste, 9 - 46393 Loriguilla (Valencia) 25/03/2004
Alicante * Tormos Town Hall Plaza Ayuntamiento, 2 - 03795 Tormos (Alicante) 20/02/2004
* Most Excellent City Council of Pinós, el/Pinoso Plaza de España, 1 - 03650 Pinós, el/Pinoso (Alicante) 02/06/2005
Castellón * Torre d'en Doménec Town Hall,  Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 1 - 12184 Torre d'en Doménec, la (Castellón) 29/10/2003
* Ayódar Town Hall Plaza Mayor, 1 - 12224 Ayódar (Castellón) 24/08/2004
* Intermunicipal Association of Alto Palancia Crt. Sagunto-Burgos, Km. 23 - 12480 Soneja (Castellón) 31/03/2005
* High Flat Commonwealth Plaza Ajuntament, s/n - 12130 Sant Joan de Moró (Castellón) 15/02/2005

* Protocols of Adherence to the Framework Collaboration Agreement with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP)