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List of organisations with whom agreements have been signed


BranchCompanyRegistered AddressAgreement signature
Union of Cooperatives-Galician Association of Agrarian Cooperatives (AGACA). (See list of cooperatives)(*) Rúa Tomiño, 22 ent. 15703 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) 22/03/2007
--- Strong Dairy Producers Entrepreneurs (FEPLAC) 3 D – 15703 Santiago de Compostela 04/11/2008
--- Xesgal, Galician Sustainable Xestión Cubelos, 2 - Dozón (Pontevedra) 10/07/2009
--- Galician Association Serra Do Bocelo Rúa Varsovia, CC Central Area, local L-33-A, 1 - Santiago de Compostela 15/07/2009
--- Cooperativas Reunidas de Bergantiños, soc. coop. Galician (CORIBER)   14/02/2012
--- Galician Rural Agroforestry Organization Association (ORUGA) Rúa Xosé Chao Rego, 8 - ground floor - 15705 - Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) 22/05/2015
Ourense Agrogandeira do Macizo Central (AGROMACEN) Marques de Trives Street, 15- under 32780 - Pobra de Trives (Ourense) 20/02/2015

(*) Adhesions to the Agreement with the Union of Cooperatives-Galician Association of Agricultural Cooperatives (AGACA):(Back)

  • A Capella SCG

  • The Carqueixa SCG

  • Aceveda SCG

  • Adega Condes de Albarei, S.Coo

  • Regional Agrarian of Ordes, Soc.Coop. Galician

  • Agrarian of Cuntis SCG

  • Agris, SCG

  • Agroflor SCG

  • Sarria Agricultural and Livestock Farm SCG

  • Agrortegal SCL

  • Antas de Ulla SCG

  • Arquega SCG

  • Artisan Farmers, SCG

  • Arzuana SCG

  • Biocoop, SCL

  • Jesus Nazareno Coop Winery

  • Coop Sta Mª dos Remedio Winery

  • Virgin of the Vineyards SCG

  • SCG Paramo Field

  • Campodeza SCL

  • Carboar SCG

  • Caxigo SCL

  • Cecoop S.Coop.Ltda.

  • Cedeira - SCG Pig

  • Frades SCL power station

  • Chain SCG

  • Cocorase SCG

  • Coafor SCG

  • Coastal SCG

  • SCG Voucher Code

  • SCG Cobideza

  • Codegui, S. Coop. Galega

  • Codeira SCG

  • Cogal SCG

  • Cogaproca SCG

  • Cogasar SCG

  • Paradanta County SCG

  • Provincial Agrarian Cooperative of Coruña, S. Coop. Galician

  • Vilaboa SCG Agrarian Cooperative

  • SCG Lake Cooperative

  • Gathered cooperatives of Bergantiños, Coreber, Soc. Cooperate. Galician

  • Copagro SCG

  • Copar SCG

  • Coreber SCG

  • Coren SCG

  • SCG Aviation Summit

  • Cunigalicia SCG

  • Cusoviame SCG

  • The SCG Pillar

  • Erica Mel SCG

  • Leira SCG

  • Feiraco SCL

  • SCG Copper Hook

  • Vea SCG Cattle Ranchers

  • Gandeiros de Xallas e Barcala SCG

  • Stradenses Cattle Farmers SCG

  • Horsal SCG

  • Horta do Condado SCG

  • Vegetables or Rosebush SCG

  • Hortoflor of SCG

  • Icos, SCG

  • Indega, SCG

  • Sacred Peak Leiteira SCG

  • Lemos SCG

  • Melisanto SCG

  • Mondigoleite SCG

  • Mopan SCG

  • The Pereiro SCG

  • The Rodo SCG

  • Oriber, Soc. Coop. Galega

  • The Irmandiños SCG

  • O Xeixo, S. Coop. Galega

  • Perpetual Help SCG

  • Betanzos SCG squad

  • Gate of the Miño River SCG

  • Postoiro SCG

  • Proleipa SCG

  • SCG Proportions

  • Protect SCG

  • Ribeira Do Miño S.Coop

  • Rio Anllons S.Coop

  • SAT Castro de San Gregorio

  • Horticulturists of Umia SAT

  • SAT Meixomence

  • SAT O Balao Xuga 1027

  • SAT Calves Lugo

  • Samos SCG

  • San Antonio de Aro SCG

  • San Antonio de Pol SCG

  • Saint Mamed of Nodar SCG

  • San Martin de Ozon, SCL

  • Saint Saviour of Arnoia SCG

  • SAT Queinaga nº 871 Xuga

  • Sepagal, S. Coop. Galega

  • Flatland SCG

  • Val Do Ulla - Vedra SCG

  • Valxestoso SCG

  • Veiga de Cascalla SCG

  • Viña Moraima, S. Coop. Galician

  • Vilaxuste SCG

  • Visantoña SCG

  • Martin Codax Winegrowers, SC

  • Ribeiro SCG Winery

  • Xallas SCG

  • Xertigan SCG

  • Xestravia, S. Coop. Galega

  • Xian SCL

  • Cunigalicia, S. Coop. Galega