Job Market and Pensions in the Tributary Sources
The statistic LABOR MARKET AND PENSIONS IN TAX SOURCES is a census-based survey based on the List of Recipients of Salaries, Pensions and Unemployment Benefits submitted by employers through the Annual Declaration of Withholdings and Payments on Account of Employment Income (Form 190).
Statistics provide data on employees, the unemployed and pensioners, as well as on withholdings and income from work through statistical tables in which both the recipients and the payments made are classified according to various criteria, including geography, activity and size of the company, sex and age of the recipient.
In 2007, the classification by "nationality" was incorporated into the groups of salaried and unemployed persons. Classification by entity type has also been improved.
In this statistic, the average salary and pension are measured as the quotient of the declared amounts of work income divided by the number of recipients, without taking into account the actual working time or the number of months in which the pension has been received. This fact produces a downward bias in the average salary and pension compared to other statistics in which the denominator is the average annual number of salaried people or pensioners. For the same reason, the number of recipients in the lowest salary distribution bracket (under 1 SMI) cannot be interpreted as persons who receive a wage lower than the minimum wage. This section includes recipients who have only worked a fraction of the year and whose total remuneration includes nothing more than the salary for the time worked.
In 2019, a salary module was added that estimates an Average Annual Salary corresponding to the full year based on the knowledge of the days worked in the different employment relationships. This wage measure is comparable to those obtained from other wage statistics.
Next release: November 2025 (Data for 2024)