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Fiscal Year 2023

Annex: Recognised rights

The measurement of income in terms of net recognized rights better approximates the results of the year than net collection, by including the rights recognized in the year that remain pending collection at the end of the year and excluding income from closed years or recognized in years. previous. This same measure, with an adjustment for uncertain collection (estimated based on an econometric model developed by the National Institute of Statistics and validated by EUROSTAT), is the one established in National Accounting for the imputation of most of the income, and in specifically for taxes and social contributions (EC Regulation 2516/2000).

The net recognized rights are obtained as the difference between the gross recognized rights and the annulled and canceled rights. They can be broken down into two large categories:

• Simultaneous contracted rights in which the recognition of the right coincides with the income. They reflect the voluntary compliance of taxpayers through, basically, self-assessments and customs settlements.

• Previous contracted rights, where the right is recognized prior to entry. They include the settlements carried out by Management, Inspection, Customs and Collection in the exercise of tax compliance control procedures, the rights for self-assessments for which deferral or recognition of debt was requested, and the rights for territorial adjustments with the Provincial Treasury.