News published in INFORMA 2018
Skip information indexNew features introduced in the INFORMA programme during APRIL
140427-TAXABLE BASE. CAPITALIZATION RESERVE. DISTRIBUTION OF VOLUNTARY RESERVES WITHIN A FISCAL GROUPWhen a group of entities pays taxes under the special tax consolidation regime, the capitalization reserve will refer to the tax group. The distribution of voluntary reserves to group entities does not constitute a breach of the requirement for maintaining equity provided that in each of the five years of maintenance, and not only the distribution of reserves, in terms of the group, the increase in equity is maintained.
140648-AMORTIZATION. ITEMS USED IN SEVERAL SHIFTS. ACCOUNTING REGISTRATIONItems in use for 16 hours a day, such as air conditioning equipment, door and escalator machinery, transport trucks, packaging, cutting, weighing, labelling machinery, ovens, computers, lighting, shelving, etc., may be depreciated based on the coefficient resulting from the provisions of section 2 of article 4 of the RIS, although their deductibility is conditional on the amount resulting from applying the new depreciation coefficient being recorded.
140426-TAXABLE EVENT. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: PURCHASE AND SALE OF PROPERTIES UNDER CONSTRUCTIONThe mere intention or desire to carry out a promotional activity does not imply its effective commencement. Simple preparatory actions or actions aimed at beginning the effective development of the activity do not constitute its material start either. Therefore, no economic activity has ever been carried out and consequently, the reduced rate of art. 29 LIS does not apply to it.