News published in INFORMA 2017
Skip information indexNew features introduced in the INFORMA programme during OCTOBER
140076-GROSS TAX BASE. PAYMENT BY PROPERTY SURRENDERIn cases of payment by property surrender by an entity to a private individual due to a mortgage debt held on the property, the Spanish Corporation Tax Act does not establish any special conditions in this case, and therefore, in accordance with article 10.3 of this Act, no adjustment needs to be made to the taxable profit in relation to the accounting entries required by the operation.
140074-TAX REGIME FOR PARTIALLY EXEMPT ENTITIES. NON-PROFIT EVENT MANAGEMENT ENTITYA non-profit entity that is carrying out activities involving organising concerts and ticket sales is involved in economic operations. Therefore, revenues deriving from the rendering of these services shall be subject to and not exempt from Corporation Tax.
140072-ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. LEASING OF BAREBOAT VESSELSLeasing of bareboat vessels is considered an economic activity and, therefore, the leasing entity shall not be considered to be a holding company for the purposes of article 5.2 of the Spanish Corporation Tax Act.
140073-REDUCTION IN GROSS TAX BASE. COMMERCIAL ROYALTIES, TECHNICAL ROYALTIES AND ADVERTISING SERVICESThe assignment of licensing of know-how, which is subject to commercial royalties, will be included in the budget of fact set forth in article 23.1 of the Spanish Corporation Tax Act, provided that the corresponding fee is specifically identified in the contract between the parties and all other requirements are met. The budget of fact set forth in article 23.1 of the Spanish Corporation Tax Act shall not include technical royalties paid or fees for marketing and advertising services.
140078-TAX CONSOLIDATION REGIME. SUBSIDIARY IN ASSET IMBALANCEIf the asset imbalance is redressed before the end of the fiscal year in which the annual accounts are approved, the subsidiary may form part of the tax group of the parent in the previous tax period.
140083-GROSS TAX BASE. DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES. INTEREST ON ARREARS IN LIQUIDATION AGREEMENT DERIVING FROM A ACTInterest on tax arrears are tax deductible expenses. However, given their financial nature, they will be subject to the deduction limits established in article 16 of the Spanish Corporation Tax Act.
140075-TYPE OF CHARGE. NEWLY CREATED ARCHITECTURE FIRM OWNED BY THE ARCHITECTA newly-created company registered in section 843.2 of the Economic Activities Tax, Technical architecture and urban planning services, and whose partner(s) had already been carrying out professional activities as technical architect(s), are not entitled to apply the 15% tax rate applicable to newly-created entities, but are instead subject to the general rate, since the activity to be undertaken by the newly-created entity has already been carried out by one of the partners.