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Annual Report 2013

1.5.1. Web portals

The Tax Agency has a informative Internet portal and a electronic headquarters, which can be accessed from the aforementioned portal for carrying out procedures online , which in most cases will require identification or authentication by citizens or different public administrations.

As has been happening in recent years, throughout 2013, remarkable advances have been made in the area of electronic administration to make the right of the citizens to relate electronically with the Tax Agency more efficient.

Law 11/2007 guaranteed citizens, professionals and companies the right to relate electronically with the Public Administrations and established the need to create electronic offices to make these rights effective.

The intensive use of new information and communication technologies has always been a constant in the Tax Agency, which has led it to have today an authentic "electronic Tax Agency" that goes beyond the demands of Law 11/2007, of 22 of June, on electronic access for citizens to municipal services, and which constitutes the main channel of communication between the Tax Agency and taxpayers.

The Electronic Office is protected with special conditions of identification, security and responsibility, guaranteeing in turn correct, updated and complete information.

The Electronic Office of the Tax Agency not only allows the taxpayer to consult online the status of procedures in which he is interested and to obtain duplicates of the documents through the section "My Files", but, additionally, it offers the possibility to carry out almost all procedures, including accessing the electronic register, an inventory of all procedures, services and procedures that can be carried out electronically, such as submitting tax returns and self-assessed tax returns, requests, allegations or communications, providing documents and authoritative documents, carrying out payments, requesting and downloading tax certificates, etc.

Likewise, there have been regulatory developments that have led to changes in the way the main taxes are presented, in the identification, authentication and signature systems, in the payment of tax debts, in electronic notifications and in the organization of procedures. available at the electronic headquarters.


Evolution of visits to the Tax Agency's web portals Evolution of Personal Income Tax returns submitted online