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Annual Report 2013

4.1.1. Transfer of information

The Tax Agency hands information over to other Public Administrations so that these can carry out their entrusted functions and provide the citizen with the municipal services for which they are competent in a more efficient way. That information transfer generally requires the prior consent of the interested party.

The tax information provided in this manner to other public organisms, apart from saving citizens millions of trips each year to request tax certificates and reducing procedure times and management costs in the Administrations, has contributed to avoid and fight frauds when obtaining social benefits, subsidies or government aid.

As a consequence of the information transfer agreements, throughout 2013 the Tax Agency has provided more than 62 million Personal Income Tax records (almost half to the Ministry of Health) and almost 4 million certificates of being up-to-date with tax obligations.

In this manner, the Tax Agency supplies information to the Courts, Tribunals and members of the Public Treasury. The information is handed out by the Communication Offices with the Courts of the Tax Agency's Offices, according to the territorial area of the petitioner legal body, or by the Director General's Office if they are legal bodies with powers in all the national territory. In 2013, 26,741 requests from taxpayers were handled.

On the other hand, the collaboration agreement between the General Council of the Judiciary, the Ministry of Justice and the Tax Agency, allows legal bodies to access the databases of the Tax Agency directly through the Neutral Judicial Point. In 2013 nearly 4.5 million direct accesses to the applications of the Intranet were carried out, and more than 5 million accesses through web services.

In the year 2013, the Tax Agency has subscribed to a collaboration agreement with the General Council of Spanish Lawyers for the transfer of tax information in the procedures of free legal assistance. In this period it has also subscribed to agreements for the supply of information for non-tax purposes with the Universities of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Valladolid and La Laguna (Tenerife).