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2014 Report

2.4. Electronic Tax Agency

During 2014, the Tax Agency continued to dedicate efforts from all its areas to advance in the construction of an electronic Tax Agency.

To achieve this objective, the Tax Agency has, among other resources, both an Internet portal of an informative nature , as well as a Electronic headquarters for carrying out accessible online procedures.

Since its creation, the intensive use of the new information and communications technologies has been a constant factor, which has led to the existence today of a true “electronic Tax Agency” which goes beyond the requirements of Act nº 11/2007 of 22 June on electronic access for the citizens to the public services and which constitutes the principal channel of relationship with the taxpayers.

The E-Office has special conditions of identification, security and responsibility, responding for integrity, veracity and authenticity of the information and services relating to the Tax Agency itself to those which can be accessed. Not only does it allow the interested parties to consult online the status of processing of procedures and to obtain a copy of the documents via the section “My Files,” but it also offers the possibility of carrying out almost all the procedural formalities, which include, among others, access to the electronic register, an inventory of all the procedures, services and formalities which can be carries out online, such as filing tax returns and self-assessments, applications, replies or communications, to submit documents and justifying documents, to make payments, to request and download tax certificates, etc.

A relevant example of the use of the new technologies by taxpayers is demonstrated in the following table of the Annex:

Chart 11. Evolution of visits (visited pages) to the web portals of the Tax Agency (Annex)

Similarly, section 4.3. of this Report describes the services provided online.