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Annual Report 2015

4.2.1. Information services

Over the Internet, the Tax Agency provides citizens with the INFORMA program, a database containing the main criteria to apply for tax regulations in Q&A format. In 2015, this program was accessed 5,359,928 times, 1.7% more than in 2014.

A Basic Tax Information Hotline (901 335 533) on the main taxes is also available from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 7 pm (except in August, when it operates from 9 am to 3 pm). In 2015, 5,103,711 calls were received compared to 5,474,931 in the previous year, representing a decrease of 6.78%.

In addition, more than 89 million information letters were sent to citizens and practical manuals (217,000 copies) on the main taxes were published, as well as numerous information brochures (among others, they include “Economic Activities. Tax obligations of Businessmen and Professionals living in Spanish territory”, “Online procedures”, “Cl@ve PIN”) and, like every year, the “Taxpayer's calendar”. Furthermore, 500,000 “Customs VAT reimbursements for tourists” brochures have been published. Taxpayers can also access all these publications free of charge on the Tax Agency's website.

The Tax Agency portal, , is an information channel increasingly used by taxpayers. The site makes it easier to find content, as it centralises in one place all the information related to a tax, program downloads, tax forms and access to all electronic procedures.

The most important figures may be seen in following graphs from the Appendix:

Chart 34. Evolution of access to the Informa Program (Annex) Graph nº 35. Evolution of calls answered by the Basic Tax Information telephone number (Annex) Graph nº 36. Evolution of visits (visited pages) to the web portals of the Tax Agency (Annex)