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Annual Report 2016

4.3.6. Measures to simplify users' use of technology

Replacement of the cryptographic signature with the electronic signature

The cryptographic signature requires Applets in the web browser, which currently constitutes a usage problem, given that web browsers hinder or even prevent, in some case, the execution of Applets to improve internet users' security. For this reason, the cryptographic signature has been replaced by the electronic signature.

Compatibility with new web browsers

In order to facilitate the correct display of the contents in all web browsers, both those of desktop computers and those incorporated in mobile devices, the Tax Agency is opting to develop services based on HTML5.

Zero set-up

The Tax Agency's goal is for the use of its electronic services to not require any supplements or specific configuration whatsoever in the web browser. This is already a reality in many services available in the E-Office, e.g. Renta WEB.

Improvement of the contents and of the processing aids

The use of the services has been designed more intuitively by placing the documentation and aids in their context, where they may be required, integrating all the contents on the pages of the respective tax forms and including tutorials for their use.

Presence in the mobile application markets

Currently there are two Apps, one that provides access to all services and another intended for immediately obtaining the PIN code for the Cl@ve PIN system.

Since November 2016 the Tax Agency has offered the option for all taxpayers who have downloaded the Tax Agency APP to subscribe to the new notifications service, which will send them push notifications to their mobile device, informing them of news and information of interest, published on the Tax Agency website.

Taxpayers can select the profile from which they wish to receive news, from the three following options: citizens, companies and professionals and/or collaborators.