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2017 Report

3.1. Gross tax collection

The gross amount of tax collected comprises the effective incomes obtained in the fiscal year from both the self-assessment tax returns filed by taxpayers and from the settlements carried out by the Tax Agency. It is therefore set on a cash basis.

The total gross tax collection of the Tax Agency in 2017 amounted to 240.688 bililon euros, which represented a 4.1% increase against the previous year. Growth in 2017 was conditioned by the entry into force of the new Immediate Disclosure of Information (SII) system for VAT in July, which deferred payment from 2017 to 2018. Not accounting for this change, tax collection would have grown by 5.7%.

The main factor that explains the growth of tax income was the evolution of gross tax bases. It is estimated that the aggregate gross tax base of the main taxes grew by around 5.6% in 2017. Growth occurred both in the bases relating to income (around 5%) and those relating to expenses (6%). Another element that drove tax collection was the result of annual Personal Income Tax and Corporation Tax returns, particularly the former. We must remember that these results come from income tax settlements for the previous year (in this case, 2016), and therefore are not related to the economic development of the year in which they are paid.

When it comes to the breakdown of tax collection, the three largest figures (Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax and VAT, without the effect of SII) grew by more than 4%, whilst Excise Duties recorded a more modest increase (1.9%).

Other figures outside of the main four saw increases in Non-Resident Income Tax and environmental taxes (13.8% and 14.8%, respectively). On the negative side, it should be noted that there was a decrease in the tax collection of chapter III (-8%), due to the decrease in income derived from surcharges, penalties and interests, and the negative impact on judicial taxes of the Ruling of the Constitutional Court of August 2016, which declared the unconstitutionality and nullity of such in certain processes.

Table 12. Total gross tax collection (Annex)