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2018 Report

4.4.4. Notifications through the Printing and Envelope Center

Article 21 of Law 39/2015 on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations establishes the obligation to notify the express resolution of all procedures, for which the Tax Agency has the Printing and Enveloping Center, CIE, through which it prepares its notifications and communications, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data, equal treatment and the secure sending of all of them.

Through the CIE, and as a consequence of the administrative acts issued within the scope of its powers, the Tax Agency sends taxpayers letters in paper format, almost all of which are addressed to individuals, since communication with legal entities is preferably carried out by electronic means with electronic signature.

Paper submission via the CIE is the main system for sending information to the Tax Agency. Distributed throughout 2018 through the CIE, 17,481,691 notifications with acknowledgment of receipt and 9,032,651 communications have been sent to the Tax Agency.

The paper and envelopes used always come from controlled sources that promote sustainable forest management and actively help protect rural areas.

As a result of the agreements signed by different bodies of the General State Administration and the Tax Agency, the CIE prepares and sends, in addition to its own letters, notifications and communications issued by other administrative bodies of the General State Administration that have required collaboration in order to achieve better use of the administration's resources. Thus, in 2018 a new collaboration agreement was signed with the General Intervention of the State Administration, which is added to those previously in force with the General Directorate of Personnel Costs and Public Pensions or IMSERSO, among others. As a result of these agreements, 5,175,835 notifications and communications have been sent from the CIE.