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Report 2019

2.2. Staff and budget

To fulfill its mission, the Tax Agency had, as of December 31, 2019, a staff of 25,400 people, 0.02 percent more than in 2018, of which 53.06 percent are women and 46.94 percent men, with an average age of 52.04 years (practically the same age as in 2018). These figures include 140 trainee officials.

The organisation of the Tax Agency bases its management on the high degree of specialisation and qualification of the professionals who compose it, in addition to intensive use of the new technologies.

The charts of the Annex set out below show the main figures regarding the staff of the Tax Agency:

Table nº 4. Total staff New window

Graph nº 5. Distribution between Central Services and Territorial Services 2018-2019 New window

Chart nº 6. Distribution by areas 2018-2019 New window

Chart No. 7. Distribution by subgroups 2018-2019 New window

Graph nº 8. Distribution by sex 2018-2019 New window

The performance of the Tax Agency's function of prevention and fight against tax and customs fraud is based on the work of its employees. A performance index has been developed to measure in average terms the contribution of each employee of the Tax Agency to the results of the fight against fraud, that is, the euros obtained in the fight against fraud, on average, by each employee. This is calculated based on the Results/Staff ratio:

The numerator consists of the revenues obtained every year in the fight against tax and customs fraud.

The denominator consists of the total number of civil servants of the Tax Agency at 31 December of each year, excluding interns. Bear in mind that, in addition to the fight against fraud, the Tax Agency's objectives also include providing information and assistance to taxpayers, managing the collection of taxes, and customs procedures and surveillance.

In 2019, each Tax Agency employee has obtained, on average, 622,090 euros in the fight against fraud (trainee officials are not included).

Data and graphs related to this issue are found in the Annex, in Table 9. Performance Index New Window .

In 2019, the Tax Agency had a budget of 1,469.8 million euros. Total spending amounted to 1,429.4 million euros, 5.6 percent more than in 2018. In this variation we must highlight the incidence of two factors:

  • The most relevant is the increase produced in Chapter 1 “Personnel expenses” due to the update of remuneration, established in Royal Decree-Law 24/2018, of December 21; to the increase in spending on Social Security, due to the new additions of personnel; and to the adaptation of jobs, as a consequence of reorganization measures that began in 2018 and ended in 2019.

  • The decrease produced in Chapter 6 “Real investments” motivated, especially, by the non-availability required in 2019.

The distribution by chapter of the recognized obligations is shown in Table 10. Distribution of expenditure by chapters New window (Annex) .