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Report 2020

4.2.2. Customs, special and environmental taxes control

Inspection actions on taxes levied on Foreign Trade operations, on Special Taxes and on environmental taxes

Included are the inspection actions carried out by the bodies of the Customs and Excise Inspection area of the Special Delegations and the Central Delegation of Large Taxpayers, in order to combat fraud that affects both the financial interests of the European Union, that is, to own resources and community aid for the export of agricultural products, as well as internal taxes that tax foreign trade operations and Special and environmental Taxes.

In 2020, 2,818 liquidations have been carried out, with a liquidated debt of 197.54 million euros.

Special and environmental taxes:

In 2020, the checks focused mainly on the following areas:

  • Tax on Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages . The type of fraud that is intended to be detected is mainly the diversion of alcohol or exempt alcoholic beverages, focusing on the figure of the fiscal warehouse.
  • Tax on Hydrocarbons . Control of the exemption in the supply of kerosene.
  • Special Tax on Certain Means of Transportation . Control of fraud due to improper application of the exemptions and/or cases of non-submission contemplated in the law, related to the registration of vehicles and recreational boats, as well as the control of boats with non-Spanish registration and control of the tax bases and declared CO2 emissions from all means of transport.
  • Tax on Tobacco Products . The ONII (National Office of Inspection and Investigation) has monitored tobacco consumption data, detecting a different evolution in pipe smoking, which has given rise to control actions, the majority being work to smoking a shisha, hookah or water pipe.
  • Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases . Control of manufacturers, importers, intra-community purchasers, waste managers, resellers and certain beneficiaries of exemptions relating to products subject to the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases.
  • Tax on the Value of Electrical Energy Production . Control of the declaration and payment of the Tax on the Value of Electrical Energy Production.

Foreign Trade:

The actions in the field of customs control were addressed to reviewing the elements of taxes levied on foreign trade which cannot be checked at the time of customs clearance.

Fraud in this area has multiple potential variables. On the one hand, situations in which the real price of the goods does not correspond to the commercial documentation presented at the time of customs clearance, with the most affected sectors being textiles, footwear, bags and leather goods from Asia. There are also cases in which, when there are concepts to include in the customs value, under the concept of adjustments to the price paid or payable, the value has not increased. Finally, the concurrence of circumstances, especially the relationship, that prevent the use of the transaction value and force the use of secondary valuation methods.

Regarding the review of the origin of the merchandise and application of antidumping duties, fraud consists of making the connection between merchandise and manufacturer disappear, through the presentation of certificates of origin and false or adulterated invoices, or by making sales - real or fictitious - in the actual country of origin with other third countries with preferential treatment or without anti-dumping duties, or by incorrectly applying the additional code that is approved for certain exporters and which entails the payment of an anti-dumping duty lower than the general or zero amount. Likewise, an anti-dumping duty could be avoided by applying a lower tariff rate than is actually applicable.

With respect to importing agricultural or fishing products, the tax risks from previous years are generally maintained: undervaluation, incorrect customs classification and false declarations of preferential origin. The experience acquired over time has served to create the appropriate risk profiles, which have made it possible to carry out detailed monitoring of importing companies or to address, to the extent possible, the fraud situations detected.

As for VAT on imports and the control of applying reduced rates, the aim is to regularise the tax situation of taxpayers who have paid inferior VAT amounts upon import to those actually due, due to the incorrect application of the tax rate.

In terms VAT on imports and the exemption on releases into free circulation, there can be two types of fraud: the release into free circulation in Spain without the goods being sent to another member state, with fraud in the taxable event of VAT on imports, and the release into free circulation in another member state, with the subsequent dispatch of the imported goods to Spain, without a declaration of the taxable event of intra-Community acquisition by the Spanish taxpayer (in this case, Mutual Assistance is required). In both cases, the subsequent deliveries of goods in Spain subject to VAT may not have declared this tax.

Repression of smuggling, money laundering and other frauds

With regard to combating smuggling and money laundering, the Customs Surveillance units carry out operations aimed at repressing smuggling and illegal trafficking of narcotics, tobacco, counterfeited products and other items, as well as money laundering related to these criminal activities, in coordination with other State entities, carrying out their surveillance and control activities at sea, in the air and on land.

The Customs Surveillance units also carry out control and support actions for the rest of the areas of the Customs and Excise Department, which include preventive controls in customs premises through non-intrusive inspection techniques, currency controls, and control of the security of the international transport chain.

They also carry out activities to combat tax fraud and the black market economy, collaborating with other Departments of the Tax Agency, either in the criminal sphere or in administrative channels. The growing complexity of fraud, as well as the internationalisation of its structures, requires external coordination and the need to optimise the Tax Agency's resources through cooperation and collaboration between the different functional divisions.

In 2020, as a result of these actions, 154,219 kg of hashish, 30,082 kg of cocaine and 7,985,778 packs of tobacco were seized, which represents a total of 763 crimes and 3,273 infractions. Likewise, 55 crimes of counterfeiting and 1,623 infractions have been reported, in addition to 77 crimes of money laundering, with a value of 183.76 million euros.

The figures on smuggling and the actions carried out during this year are set out in Table 35. Actions to combat smuggling (Annex) New window and in Table No. 36. Main actions of Customs Surveillance (Annex). New window

Management control in Customs

Today, the actions of customs, apart from ensuring the maximum possible agility in international trade, are aimed at carrying out controls aimed at protecting the financial interests of the EU and its Member States, as well as protection and security. of all citizens of the Union.

Activities aimed at combating tax fraud affect two main areas:

  • At European Union level, those relating to own capital: customs duties, agricultural duties and sugar prices.
  • At domestic level, those affecting indirect taxes: Value Added Tax, Special Taxes and environmental taxes.

Customs also carries out activities geared towards combating illegal activities beyond the tax area, such as, inter alia, healthcare controls concerning product quality in order to safeguard consumer safety, activities relating to protecting intellectual property, the environment and cultural heritage, controlling trading of defence materials and materials with double uses, chemical products, substances that can be used as drug precursors and psychotropic substances, as well as controlling violations of trade embargoes imposed by the EU and the United Nations, or controls over flora and fauna protected by the CITES Convention.

As an example of the results of these controls, in the case of protected species (CITES Convention), during the year 2020, 317 units, 65,649 grams of elvers, 16,771 grams of coral, 19,591 grams of caviar and 60,370 grams of other species belonging to to protected species. In the field of intellectual property defense, in 2020, among other results, 1,967 detentions of merchandise shipments were carried out due to alleged violation of intellectual property rights.

Tax controls are aimed at verifying that items subject to tax and customs duties are correctly declared when going through customs or subsequent checks:

  • Identification of goods subject to customs declaration and their proper tariff classification.
  • Verification of origin of goods and related certifying documentation.
  • Check the taxable bases declared.

Extra-fiscal control is also supported by filters based on risk analysis, which determines a documentary control based on the verification of certificates and authorisations issued by competent bodies, or a physical control to declare that the goods due to be dispatched coincide with those declared.

Table nº 37. Results of documentary controls and physical examinations of goods in Customs (Annex). New window

Regardless of the declaration procedure used (normal or simplified), the ability to identify legitimate, and therefore low-risk trade, allows the customs authorities to focus their limited resources on those operators who represent a greater risk, thereby facilitating legitimate trading.

In this context, in 2008, the role of the authorised economic operator (AEO) came into effect, a trusted operator who, after meeting a range of requirements, can benefit from simplified customs procedures and security facilitations. Currently, there are more than 18,000 certified companies in the EU and international mutual recognition agreements have been signed with some countries, which not only strengthens the security of the entire logistics chain, but also facilitates trade. In addition, the approach adopted by the World Customs Organisation is being consolidated, which responds to the business community's desire to avoid the proliferation of regulations and to standardise all customs protection procedures. The EU has adopted mutual acknowledgement agreements for the Authorised Economic Operator regime with Japan, the United States, Switzerland, Norway and the People's Republic of China.

Spain has 1,070 of these Operators, having granted this condition in 2020 to 58 new operators.

In addition, during 2020, a total of 21,959 containers, both import and export, were scanned to verify that the declared cargo coincided with the radiographic image obtained from the inside of the container and checking for the possible existence of double bottoms or hidden compartments. X-ray checks have also continued to be put in place in order to detect possible illegal trafficking of nuclear and radioactive materials, as well as contaminated goods.

The verification actions carried out throughout the year to control authorizations and formal obligations, returns, finalization of regimes and review of documents developed in the field of foreign trade managerial control during 2020 have reached the figure of 634,170 performances (for reference, the figure in 2019 was 704,799 performances).

Special Taxes intervention and management

Inspections of Special Taxes involve both preliminary controls and simultaneous controls when the taxable event takes place. This is because in these cases tax rates are high and exemptions or tax discounts may exist depending on the destination, with non-monetary taxable bases. In the performance of their duties, inspectors draw up a preliminary report to regularise the tax situation of the taxpayers they are reviewing. The preliminary nature of these reports, among other circumstances, is because accounting checks are limited to the records required by Law and the Special Tax Regulations.

The data corresponding to the years 2019 and 2020 are offered in Table nº 38. Intervention activity of II.EE. (Excise taxes (Annex). New window

The verification actions, control of authorizations and formal obligations and refunds carried out in the field of managerial control of special and environmental taxes during 2020 have reached the figure of 363,202 actions (for reference, the figure in 2019 was 467,901 actions).