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125 kilos of cocaine hidden in the submerged part of the hull of a ship were seized in the port of La Luz in Las Palmas

Joint operation of Customs Surveillance and the Civil Guard

  • Several packages with the drug were found after verifying the manipulation of the screws of the grill that gave access to the cavity where the narcotic was located.

December 7, 2022.- Customs Surveillance of the Tax Agency in coordination with the Civil Guard in Las Palmas, within the framework of operation 'Lamba', intervened on November 18 , 125 kilos of cocaine in various packages that were housed in the submerged part of the hull of a merchant ship from Brazil.

As a result of the joint monitoring and surveillance carried out by both the Tax Agency and the Civil Guard in the port facilities, the corresponding documentary analyzes were carried out and the first signs found by the Civil Guard agents led to a more exhaustive inspection, activating to this to the Special Group of Underwater Activities (GEAS) of the Las Palmas Command.

The specialist divers of the Civil Guard, after a long immersion time and exhaustive inspection of the hull of the merchant ship, found five waterproof bags housed in the submerged part of the hull of the ship, containing various solid blocks.

The packages with the drug were detected after verifying the manipulation of the screws of the grill that gave access to the cavity where the narcotic was located.

Once the packages were extracted from the water, the appropriate 'narcotest' checks were carried out, resulting in cocaine, and all of this yielded a weight of 125 kilos.

From that moment on, the corresponding police procedures were carried out, which were made available to the Court of Investigation of the Guard of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in conjunction with the substance seized.

Filming of operation (to download the video you must enter the following web address):