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Road transport of drugs hidden inside a refrigerated semi-trailer frustrated in Almería

Joint operation of the Tax Agency and the National Police

  • 206 kilos of hashish and 150 kilos of marijuana buds that were hidden among the truck's load of vegetables were seized

  • The driver of the vehicle, of Belarusian origin, has been imprisoned accused of a crime against public health

July 14, 2022.- Officials of the Customs Surveillance Service of the Tax Agency and agents of the National Police, in a joint operation, have intercepted a cache of drugs hidden among the cargo of a refrigerated semi-trailer and they have arrested the truck driver, who has been imprisoned by court order.

The operation began based on information that pointed to a load of vegetables, which would be transported by road, and in which several kilos of marijuana and hashish could be hidden.

With this data, on June 22, investigators decided to inspect a truck that had stopped to refuel at a service station located at kilometer 487 of the A-7.

Drug hidden among eggplants and peppers

The incoherent explanations of its driver, as well as the irregularities in the documentation of the merchandise, in addition to the absence of identification on the boxes, increased the suspicions of the agents, who in a more thorough inspection found the drug hidden among the load of eggplants. and peppers.

The transport and cargo documentation turned out to be false, intended only to give an appearance of truthfulness to the transport.

In total, 206 kilos of hashish and 150 kilos of marijuana buds were seized, all of them vacuum packed.

The driver of the truck, a 35-year-old man of Belarusian origin, has been imprisoned accused of a crime against public health.

Filming of operation (to download the video you must enter the following web address):