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Changes in the management of the Tax Agency

The Council of Ministers on June 7 approved the appointment of Jesús Gascón Catalán as Secretary of State for the Treasury, replacing Héctor Izquierdo, who had held the position since January 2022.

In the same Council of Ministers, the appointment of Soledad Fernández Doctor as General Director of the Tax Agency was approved, a position in which she replaces Jesús Gascón.

Jesús Gascón Catalán, Secretary of State for the Treasury and President of the Tax Agency

Jesús Gascón has a degree in Law from the University of Zaragoza and is a State Treasury inspector, State auditor and auditor, and inspector of the Economy and Finance Services. Until now he was General Director of the Tax Agency, a position he has held since June 2018. His professional career has always been linked to public administration in tax matters, he has held the positions of General Director of Taxes, Director of the Tax Management Department and Deputy Director of the Department of Organization, Planning and Institutional Relations of the Tax Agency.

During these years at the head of the Tax Agency, Jesús Gascón, has addressed challenges such as managing the fiscal measures adopted during the pandemic to alleviate the economic situation of SMEs and the self-employed, as well as maintaining the efficiency of the organization during confinement or in successive Income Campaigns.

Likewise, Gascón has continued with the process of modernizing the Tax Agency with the opening of new Comprehensive Digital Administrations (ADI), offices whose objective is to serve taxpayers from all over the country electronically. It is about advancing personalized assistance complementary to in-person assistance promoted by the Agency's 2020-2023 Strategic Plan.

Soledad Fernández Doctor, General Director of the Tax Agency

Soledad Fernández Doctor has a Law Degree from the Pontifical University of Comillas-ICADE and a State Treasury Inspector. Since July 2018 she has been Special Delegate of the Tax Agency in Madrid.

She has also been President of the Central Economic-Administrative Court, Director of the Tax Management Department of the Tax Agency, Director of the School of Public Finance, Director in Spain of the EURO 2002 Campaign of the European Central Bank, Deputy Director of Information and Taxpayer Assistance in the Tax Management Department of the Tax Agency.

Likewise, she has held the position of Special Delegate of the Tax Agency in Asturias, Deputy Special Delegate of the Tax Agency in Madrid and Economic-Financial Director at the Instituto de Empresa, among other positions in the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Agency.