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Agreement between the Tax Agency and SELAE for the provision of information

On October 1, 2022, the Agreement signed between the State Tax Administration Agency and the State Lotteries and Betting Company, SME, SA, was published in the Official State Gazette.

The purpose of this agreement is to regulate the periodic supply of information by SELAE to the Tax Agency, after the modification through Law 11/2021, of July 9, on security measures. prevention and fight against tax fraud, of Law 13/2011, of May 27, on the regulation of gambling, which expressly recognizes the special duty of collaboration of SELAE with the Tax Agency, including the provision of certain data with tax significance obtained in the field of lotteries and bets that it organizes.

Link to the BOE: Resolution of September 26, 2022, of the Directorate of the Planning and Institutional Relations Service of the State Tax Administration Agency, by which the Agreement with the State Lotteries and Betting Society of the State, SME, SA, for the supply of information.