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500 kilos of smuggled tobacco seized in Montilla

Joint operation of the Tax Agency and the National Police

  • The cut tobacco was prepared for distribution throughout the national territory
  • Two people have been arrested as alleged perpetrators of a smuggling crime

April 19, 2023.- Customs Surveillance Officials of the Tax Agency in Córdoba and agents of the National Police of Écija have carried out a joint operation in which 500 kilos of stings have been seized of rolling and two people have been arrested as alleged perpetrators of an alleged crime of smuggling.

The investigation began several months ago when suspicious movements of a resident of the Sevillian town of Écija were detected. These movements revealed the possibility that he was transporting the illicit goods to the Córdoba town of Montilla.

The investigation culminated in the operation that was carried out by both bodies on March 22 in the Cordoban town of Montilla, when a rental van was intercepted at the moment in which the driver was going to proceed to unload the goods he was transporting. , about 500 kilos of chopped tobacco, which would be distributed throughout the national territory.

Subsequently, and as a result of the investigations carried out by the agents, a second individual, also related to the events, was located and arrested.

The valuation of the seized illicit goods amounts to 69,440 euros.

Both the seized effects and the two detainees have been placed at the disposal of the Investigating Court acting as guard in the town of Montilla.

The investigation remains open, so it is not ruled out that more arrests will occur in the coming days.