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The Tax Agency dismantles a criminal organization dedicated to marijuana trafficking

Operation against drug trafficking

  • 1,043 marijuana plants were seized on a plantation with a complex electrical installation that allowed intensive cultivation and shortened cycles
  • Six individuals arrested from the organization whose electrical fraud was equivalent to the consumption of 70 homes and consisted of a complex air conditioning and lighting system

May 23, 2023.- Customs Surveillance officials of the Tax Agency have dismantled an organization dedicated to drug trafficking in the municipality of Gójar (Granada) and have arrested its six members.

The operation began weeks ago when investigators from the Customs Surveillance Operational Unit in Motril detected an organised group dedicated to the indoor cultivation and distribution of cannabis sativa in an industrial estate in Gójar.

The operation took place throughout the morning of May 17 and led to the seizure of 1,043 plants weighing approximately 300 kilos of marijuana.

The researchers found that the industrial building had a complex electrical installation that supported the implementation of intensive crops for this type of plantation, shortening their cycles.

During the operation, six individuals from the organization dedicated to the cultivation of cannabis were identified and arrested. The electrical fraud, discovered by Customs Surveillance Service officials, was equivalent to the consumption of 70 homes and consisted of a complex air conditioning and lighting system.

The investigation is still ongoing and further arrests are not ruled out.

The proceedings and the detainees have been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction No. 8 of Granada, acting as on-call court.

Customs Supervision: Presentation of charges for smuggling and related offences 

Free telephone 900351378.


Operation filming (to download the video, enter the following web address):