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15 stolen vehicles intercepted in the port of Algeciras

  • The vehicles arrived at the port of Algeciras in containers from other European ports

  • The market value of the recovered vehicles exceeds 650,000 euros

November 6, 2023.- Customs Surveillance Officials of the Tax Agency and members of the Civil Guard of the Office of Tax Analysis and Investigation (ODAIFI), both assigned to the Local Unit of Risk Analysis (ULAR) of the Algeciras Customs, have intercepted 15 stolen vehicles in the facilities of the port of Algeciras.

Within the framework of the risk analyzes carried out in the port of Algeciras and after the exploitation of the “American Stuff” operation carried out at the beginning of the year, in which stolen cars from the United States were seized, they were detected by the ULAR new routes used by mafias to transport stolen vehicles to African countries.

As a consequence of the control, identification and inspection work of containers, destined for or transiting in Spain, that the ULAR carries out daily in the container terminal of the port of Algeciras and after a thorough analysis work, the officials intervened containers coming from other European ports, whose contents could not correspond to the declared merchandise, which led to the opening of the containers. Inside, 15 high-end vehicles were found, the market value of which exceeds 650,000 euros.

After the appropriate verifications, the officials verified that they were stolen vehicles and they have already been returned to their countries of origin to be delivered to their respective owners.

Consequently, the corresponding proceedings have been initiated, which have been made available to the Judicial Authority.

Filming of operation (to download the video you must enter the following web address):