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An "indoor" marijuana plantation dismantled in El Casar (Guadalajara)

  • The operation has resulted in the arrest of five people, who are accused of a crime against public health

  • A total of 65 kilos of marijuana have been seized, as well as numerous tools and fertilizers used to carry out the illicit activity. 

February 13, 2024.- Customs Surveillance Officials from the Tax Agency and agents from the Guadalajara Provincial Police Station of the National Police, in a joint operation called 'Este/Polska', have On January 22, an indoor plantation was dismantled inside a home in the municipality of El Casar (Guadalajara). Five people were arrested in the operation and 65 kilos of marijuana were seized. 

The investigation began last January, after receiving information from a citizen who perceived a strong and unpleasant odor in the surroundings of the property. These indications suggested that, in that place, located since the beginning of the operation, an illicit marijuana cultivation activity could be carried out. 

After numerous efforts that corroborated the agents' suspicions, the house was entered and searched, finding inside 645 cannabis plants in different stages of growth and flowering. In total, 65 kilos of marijuana have been seized. 

The narcotic was distributed in different rooms, with infrastructure adapted to maximize cultivation and with an electrical installation arranged to supply air conditioning, air extraction, lamps and an irrigation system. In addition to all this material, numerous fertilizer products used to force the growth of plants were also seized. 

Although the home had a remote control surveillance system and at the time of the search no one was located inside, a total of five people were subsequently arrested and charged with a crime against public health. 

Finally, it was possible to clarify the existence of an illegal connection to the electricity supply, for which the main investigator is also charged with the crime of fraud of electrical fluid. The investigation remains open without ruling out new arrests.