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The Tax Agency, Cermi and the ONCE Foundation monitor their collaboration on the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Agreement

On June 17, the annual meeting of the Monitoring Commission of the Collaboration Agreement signed in 2004 by the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (Cermi), the ONCE Foundation and the Tax Agency was held.

This year with a special nuance, since it marks 20 years since its signature, on October 18, 2004.

This agreement laid the foundations for it to “serve as support and impetus for future actions, inspired by achieving assistance and equal opportunities for people with disabilities, in order to provide them with updated information on their rights, as well as provide them with support and advice in the compliance with their tax obligations”, as stated in the text itself.

The meeting was chaired by the director of the Planning and Institutional Relations Service (Tax Agency) Ignacio Fraisero Aranguren, the president of Cermi, Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno; and the first executive vice president of the ONCE Foundation, Alberto Durán López.

As a result of what has been done during these 20 years, all the signatory parties agreed that a very fruitful relationship has been maintained, advancing both in the level of information and tax assistance as well as in the technological field, with the promotion of the accessibility of the computer tools necessary for voluntary compliance with tax obligations.

Advocating for many more years of close collaboration, the intention was revealed that more than 95 percent of the Tax Agency's customer service offices be accessible, that the face-to-face and digital channels of citizen relations have more security measures. support for this sector of the population, and that the Tax Agency's staff exceeds, as far as possible, the minimum percentage of public employees with disabilities required by Law.

All parties agreed to consider this collaboration as a good practice that has not only appreciably improved the public service of tax management, but has also become a reference framework for other administrations interested in reinforcing its inclusive dimension with people with disabilities. disability.