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More than 10,900 MDMA pills hidden in a passenger's suitcase were seized at Palma airport

  • This is the largest seizure of this designer drug in Son Sant Joan, to which is added the intervention of the same individual with 2.1 kilos of amphetamine
  • The detainee, of Dutch nationality, hid the drugs in a false bottom of the luggage and in tomato cans

May 14, 2024.- Customs Surveillance Officials from the Tax Agency in the Balearic Islands and agents from the Civil Guard proceeded on May 7 at Palma airport to seize more than 10,900 MDMA pills that were hidden in a passenger's suitcase. This is the largest seizure of this substance recorded to date in Son Sant Joan. The passenger, a Dutch national who was detained at that time, hid the 'ecstasy' in a false bottom of the luggage, as well as 2.1 kilos of amphetamine that were discovered in some tomato cans that he was transporting.

The operation, called 'Cuberdon', began when the 58-year-old detainee arrived at Palma airport with the appearance of making the trip to spend a few days on vacation on the island of Mallorca.

After analyzing the available information and following the suspicions of the agents of both institutions, the passenger was intercepted upon arrival. Given the suspect's incoherent responses, an inspection of the two suitcases he was carrying was carried out.

Once registered, it was found that in one of them there was a double bottom, inside which a package with 10,940 pills was hidden, which after performing the narcotic substance test showed positive for Methamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy').

During the luggage inspection, four tomato cans were also discovered, inside of which and under a layer of the contents that appeared in the cans, four pressed packages of amphetamine were found weighing 2.1 kilos of that substance.

Given the result of the control carried out on the passenger and his luggage, he was arrested for an alleged crime of drug trafficking, and on May 8 he was brought before the court, who ordered him to be placed in provisional prison without bail.