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A criminal organization that used "drug boats" to transport drugs and migrants between Alicante and Algeria has been dismantled

  • They used 'narco-boats' or 'pateras taxis', with which they made trips from the Alicante coast to Algeria, transporting narcotic substances and taking advantage of the return trip to illegally transfer migrants bound for the Spanish coast.

  • They had a closed facility in an area near the city of Alicante that was used as a private warehouse for vehicles and high-speed boats that served as a nursery and a crane company to transport the boats.

  • Seven people were arrested for crimes of promoting illegal immigration, belonging to a criminal organization, crimes against public health and smuggling.

  • Three semi-rigid vessels measuring more than eight meters in length with high-power outboard motors and trailers, three high-end vehicles, 41 gasoline bottles, 11 drums with chemical components for the preparation of narcotics, various mobile phones, GPS devices and boat repair tools.

May 24, 2024.- Customs Surveillance of the Tax Agency and the National Police have developed a joint investigation related to the crimes of favoring illegal immigration, drug trafficking and smuggling. This investigation has allowed the dismantling of a criminal organization established in Alicante and made up mainly of citizens of Algerian origin dedicated to transporting narcotic substances, mainly cocaine and synthetic drug pills, from the coast of Alicante to Algeria, and then making the return journey with migrants. illegal, using high-speed semi-rigid inflatable boats, known as 'narcolanchas' or 'pateras taxis', which allowed round trips to be made in a few hours, thus obtaining great economic benefits.

The police investigation began when the National Police groups specialized in the investigation of networks and organizations dedicated to the introduction of people irregularly from Africa to our country became aware of the existence of a criminal organization made up of citizens. of Algerian origin dedicated to the trafficking of narcotic substances, promoting illegal immigration and smuggling with the purchase, storage and use of speed boats to transport migrants, for whom they charged between 6,000 and 10,000 euros per person.

' Nursery' of 'narcolanchas'

Based on this information, a joint operation was established between the National Police and Customs Surveillance of the Tax Agency, carrying out surveillance and investigations in coastal areas of Alicante where movements of 'drug boats' have been detected, finally managing to locate a farm. which served as a 'nursery' for these boats.

From the results of the surveillance carried out around the aforementioned property, the investigators observed a movement of vehicles that entered and left towing the boats, also verifying that some of them were loaded with gasoline drums prepared to make the crossing between the coasts of Spain and Africa.

As a result of this investigation, after a series of procedures and monitoring carried out on the people transporting the vehicles and boats, it was possible to verify the storage and use of several 'drug boats' by the criminal organization.

Organizational structure of the criminal organization

The organizational structure of the criminal group investigated was mainly made up of citizens of Algerian and Moroccan origin, although it was observed during the investigation that among the members of the organization there were also Spanish citizens who provided logistical support when taking the boat into the water. and collect and deposit the boats after navigation, thus forming an international organization, since they needed people in Algeria to advertise, obtain and organize illegal immigrants to bring them to our shores, after payment of large amounts of money.

The novelty observed in this 'modus operandi' is that the boats did not leave from the African continent, but rather from Alicante to Algeria to transport narcotic substances and bring people on the return trip, with the organization based in our country, in which they had their base of operations.

To carry out the operation of the organization, there was a clear distribution of functions; While some were in charge of intermediation, purchase and collection of boats, others were in charge of preparing the narcotic substances and preparing the boats, embarking and leaving our coasts as quickly as possible.

The economic capacity they had was financed through a company based in France, managed by several individuals who, in turn, were in charge of collecting the boats in Spain and finding people for logistics and manufacturing of the boats. narcotic substances, launching of boats and transfer of immigrants to our country.

As for its logistical structure, it was highly planned, with a private vehicle depot that served as a nursery and a crane company to carry out the transfers of the vessels when mobilizing them, simulating legal transportation in broad daylight. In addition, they had numerous human resources in the criminal operation such as crane drivers, petaqueros (people dedicated to filling gasoline bottles at service stations), mechanics, counter surveillance personnel, pilots and personnel dedicated to launching the boats, as well as a great capacity to synthesize drugs or acquire them for transport.

Exit to the sea and pick up the boats, from an urban beach in Alicante

This investigation has revealed the use of semi-rigid boats for the illegal transport of migrants to national territory, with full evidence, after various surveillance and monitoring, that at least two boats that left the province of Alicante, confirming that one of them was intercepted on a beach in Almería transporting 25 migrants of Algerian origin and confirming that said vessel was property of the investigated criminal organization.

Operational phase

Once all the necessary investigations were carried out, the exploitation phase of the operation was carried out in which agents from the National Police and Customs Surveillance participated, establishing a police device that allowed the arrest of seven people for crimes of favoring illegal immigration. , membership in a criminal organization, crime against public health and smuggling.

After the arrests, an inspection was carried out in the places where the boats were kept, seizing a total of three semi-rigid boats, more than eight meters in length and equipped with engines of more than 200 HP of power each and their respective trailers. Inside them, a total of 41 gasoline bottles were found distributed that were seized, as well as three high-end vehicles, mobile phones, GPS devices and tools for repairing the boats.

Likewise, eleven drums of about 25 liters each were located, which contained different types of highly flammable chemical components, used for the preparation of narcotic substances.

The detainees, of Algerian, Moroccan and Spanish nationality, between 40 and 58 years of age, were placed at the disposal of the Alicante Investigative Court.

The use and possession of this type of semi-rigid inflatable boats with certain characteristics, without having been officially registered with the Customs Department of the Tax Agency, constitutes a criminal offense provided for in the Smuggling Law.

The operation remains open and more arrests are not ruled out.

Film of the operation (go to the following website to download the video):